Ross procedure

Ross procedure

(ros), procedure for aortic valve stenosis or regurgitation in which the aortic valve is replaced with the patient's own pulmonic valve (autograft) and the pulmonic valve is in turn replaced with a homograft valve.

Ross procedure

Pulmonary autograft, total aortic root replacement Heart surgery A procedure used for aortic regurgitation, which preserves the entire–pulmonary autograft annulus, the leaflets, and the surrounding pulmonary artery wall as a single unit; the Pts' main coronary arteries are reimplanted into the side of the autograft and encompassing pulmonary artery wall as a single unit. See Aortic regurgitation.

Ross pro·ce·dure

(raws prŏ-sē'jŭr) Therapeutic technique for aortic valve stenosis or regurgitation in which the aortic valve is replaced with the patient's own pulmonic valve (autograft) and the pulmonic valve is in turn replaced with a homograft valve.


Donald N., U.S. cardiac surgeon, 1922–. Ross procedure - aortic valve replacement using a pulmonic valve autograft.