Rare-Metals Industry, Institute of the

Rare-Metals Industry, Institute of the


(full name State Scientific Research and Process Planning Institute of the Rare-Metals Industry; Giredmet), an institute under the administration of the USSR Ministry of Nonferrous Metallurgy. The institute is engaged in the development of technology and the design of enterprises and specialized equipment for the extraction and use of rare metals and semiconductor materials. Founded in Moscow in 1931, it comprises research laboratories, planning and design departments, and pilot plants for extractive metallurgy and machine construction. The institute publishes Nauchnye Trudy Giredmeta (Proceedings of Giredmet) and grants doctoral and candidate’s degrees. The first director of the institute was V. I. Glebova; among those who have worked at the institute are N. P. Sazhin, V. I. Spitsin, K. A. Bol’shakov, A. P. Zefirov, V. N. Kostin, and B. A. Sakharov.