

单词 smac



Abbreviation for:
Standing Medical Advisory Committee, see there


SMACSocial Mobile Analytics and Cloud
SMACSimple Mac
SMACSource Media Access Control
SMACSid Meier's Alpha Centauri (game)
SMACSorbitol MacConkey Agar (clinical microbiology laboratories)
SMACState Maximum Allowable Cost (pharmacy)
SMACSecond Mitochondria-Derived Activator of Caspases (apoptosis; hematology)
SMACSomaliland Mine Action Centre (land mines; Somalia)
SMACServicio de Mediación, Arbitraje y Conciliación
SMACSpacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentration
SMACSouthern Maryland Athletic Conference
SMACSouthern Michigan Adventure Club
SMACSmac MAC Address Changer
SMACScaled Modal Assurance Criterion
SMACSupramolecular Activation Complex
SMACSport Martial Arts Championship
SMACStudent Movement Against Cancer (Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School)
SMACSimple Mastectomy with Axillary Clearance
SMACSeattle Model Aircraft Company (Seattle, WA)
SMACShipment Mobility/Accountability Collection
SMACSequential Multiple Analyzer Computer
SMACShielded Metal Arc Cutting
SMACSanta Monica Air Center (Santa Monica, CA)
SMACSafe Money and Credit (SMAC Vault, Inc.)
SMACSource Media Access Control (Cisco)
SMACSecurities Movement and Control (stocks and bonds transactions accounting)
SMACSuppliers and Manufacturers in Automotive Collaboration
SMACSimulation Model of Automobile Collision
SMACState Mapping Advisory Council
SMACSunday Morning After Church
SMACShenandoah Marlins Aquatics Club (Waynesboro, VA)
SMACService Center Mainframes Accelerated Consolidation
SMACScene Matching Area Correlator
SMACSuspect Material Action Committee
SMACStudents for a More Accessible Campus (University of Rhode Island; Kingston, RI)
SMACSensor Media Access Control Protocol
SMACSimple Media Access Control Protocol
SMACSingle Manned Attack Craft (Space Master RPG)
SMACSupplier Management Awareness and Commitment
SMACSit Meum Auxilium Christus (Latin: Christ Be My Help; epigraphy)
SMACSolow, Minhas, Arrow, Chenery (production function authors)
SMACSane's Monthly Algorithms Challenge (computer science)
SMACSpecific, Measurable, Achievable, and Challenging (objectives)




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