Acronym | Definition |
SRC➣Source |
SRC➣Source Code |
SRC➣Se Ruega Contestación (Spanish: Please Reply) |
SRC➣Santa Rosa (Amtrak station code; Santa Rosa, CA) |
SRC➣Student Representative Council |
SRC➣State Rehabilitation Council |
SRC➣Survey Research Center |
SRC➣Spring Racing Carnival (horse racing; Australia) |
SRC➣Systems Research Center (Compaq) |
SRC➣Scientific Research Council (Jamaica) |
SRC➣Sample Rate Converter |
SRC➣System Resource Controller |
SRC➣Société Radio-Canada |
SRC➣Scholastic Reading Counts (independent reading program) |
SRC➣School Report Card (various locations) |
SRC➣Student Research Competition |
SRC➣Sample Rate Conversion |
SRC➣Semiconductor Research Corporation |
SRC➣Short Rotation Coppice |
SRC➣Steroid Receptor Coactivator |
SRC➣Sports and Recreation Center (various schools) |
SRC➣Saskatchewan Research Council (Canada) |
SRC➣Scientific Research Corporation (est. 1988; Atlanta, GA) |
SRC➣Services et Réseaux de Communication (French: Services and Networks Communication) |
SRC➣Spoon River College (Macomb, IL) |
SRC➣System Reliability Center (Rome, NY) |
SRC➣Sports-Related Concussion (injury) |
SRC➣Southern Regional College (Northern Ireland, UK) |
SRC➣Syracuse Research Corporation |
SRC➣Security Response Center |
SRC➣Self Reference Criterion |
SRC➣Solid Rock Cafe |
SRC➣Service Request Center (resource; various organizations) |
SRC➣Short Range Certificate |
SRC➣Scientific Review Committee |
SRC➣Safety Review Committee |
SRC➣Short Range Correlation |
SRC➣Slavic Research Center (Hokkaido University; Japan) |
SRC➣Sample Return Capsule (STARDUST mission; NASA) |
SRC➣System Recovery Console |
SRC➣Subscriber Registration Center |
SRC➣Silicon Readout Controller |
SRC➣Service Resource Protocol |
SRC➣Shift Right Circular |
SRC➣Scalable Rate Control |
SRC➣Segment Reassembly Controller |
SRC➣Structured Reactive Controller |
SRC➣Source File |
SRC➣Security Reporting Center |
SRC➣Systems Research Center |
SRC➣System Reference Code |
SRC➣Student Research Conference (various schools) |
SRC➣Synchrotron Radiation Center (University of Wisconsin) |
SRC➣Sleep and Respiratory Care (Philips Respironics) |
SRC➣Socialiste, Radical, Citoyen et Divers Gauche (French: Socialist, Radical, Citizen and Miscellaneous Left; parliamentary group) |
SRC➣Shared Resource Center |
SRC➣Summer Reading Camp (various organizations) |
SRC➣San Ramon Campus (San Ramon, CA) |
SRC➣Student Recreation Centre |
SRC➣Steel Reinforced Concrete |
SRC➣Standards Review Committee (various organizations) |
SRC➣Swiss Red Cross |
SRC➣Social Research Center |
SRC➣Semiconductor Research Council |
SRC➣State Referee Committee (various locations) |
SRC➣Senate Research Committee (various organizations) |
SRC➣Storage Research Consortium (Japan) |
SRC➣Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (Hokkaido University; Japan) |
SRC➣State Research Center (Russia) |
SRC➣Seismology Research Centre |
SRC➣Strategy and Resources Committee (various organizations) |
SRC➣Smart Regenerative Charging (automotive) |
SRC➣Scholarship Review Committee (various locations) |
SRC➣Simulation RPG Construction |
SRC➣Service Review Committee |
SRC➣Student Research Colloquium (various schools) |
SRC➣Ship Repair and Conversion (various organizations) |
SRC➣Snake River Conspiracy (band) |
SRC➣Salzburg Rallye Club (Austrian automobile club) |
SRC➣Solvent-Refined Coal |
SRC➣Spanish Red Cross |
SRC➣Student Relations Committee (various schools) |
SRC➣Service Request Confirmation |
SRC➣Social Responsibility Committee (European postal working group) |
SRC➣Summer Research College (various organizations) |
SRC➣Staffing Resource Center (various companies) |
SRC➣Simon's Rock College |
SRC➣Standing Rules Committee (various organizations) |
SRC➣Supernature Racing Club |
SRC➣School Readiness Center (various locations) |
SRC➣Service Régional du Contrôle de la Formation Continue (French: Regional Service Control of Continuing Education) |
SRC➣Service Reception Center (US DoD) |
SRC➣V-SRC Avian Sarcoma (Schmidt-Ruppin A-2) Viral Oncogene |
SRC➣Section Régionale Conchylicole (French: Regional Section Shellfish) |
SRC➣Sierra Railroad Company |
SRC➣Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) Response Cell (US DoD) |
SRC➣Submarine Rescue Chamber |
SRC➣Standard Requirements Code (US Army) |
SRC➣Social Science Research Computing (University of Chicago) |
SRC➣Suzuki Rally Cup (car race) |
SRC➣State Racing Commission |
SRC➣Sign Review Committee |
SRC➣Simple RISC Computer |
SRC➣Spam Recycling Center |
SRC➣State Reporting Code (software) |
SRC➣Strategic Review Committee |
SRC➣Shepparton Rowing Club (Victoria, Australia) |
SRC➣Saskatchewan Regional Colleges (Canada) |
SRC➣Supercomputer Research Center (Bowie, MD, USA) |
SRC➣Survival Recovery Center |
SRC➣Standard Requirement Code |
SRC➣Series Resonant Converter |
SRC➣Student Responsibility Center |
SRC➣Samara Rally Club (Russia) |
SRC➣Swedish Racing Club (est. 1960) |
SRC➣Source Accumulator |
SRC➣Spring Regional Conference (various organizations) |
SRC➣Spicelands Riding Centre (UK) |
SRC➣Shalimar Recording Company (Pakistan) |
SRC➣Sid Richardson College (Rice University, Houston, TX, USA) |
SRC➣Supper Roll Call |
SRC➣Security Risk Category |
SRC➣Seamless Rate Change |
SRC➣Strasburg Railroad Company |
SRC➣Scheduled Removal Component |
SRC➣Sudan Red Crescent |
SRC➣Subscriber Retention Cost |
SRC➣Société des Régates de Courseulles (French: Regatta Society of Courseulles; France) |
SRC➣Special Requirements Code |
SRC➣Sturm, Ruger and Company, Inc. |
SRC➣Scieries Réunies du Chalonnais (French: Sawmills Gathered from Chalon) |
SRC➣Saint Rita College (Manila, Philippines) |
SRC➣Surveillance Radar Computer |
SRC➣Smooth-Rough Crossover (fractal geometry of engineering surfaces) |
SRC➣Special Routing Code |
SRC➣Speculative Result Cache |
SRC➣Statewide Resource Centre |
SRC➣Satellite Research Center |
SRC➣Sheriff's Radio Center (Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department) |
SRC➣Stock Room Control |
SRC➣Southern Region Chief (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America) |
SRC➣Stores Reliability Card (TMINS) |
SRC➣Stage Right Center |
SRC➣Spin Recovery Chute |
SRC➣Spectrum Raised-Cosine |
SRC➣Switch Redundancy Controller |
SRC➣Swedish Relief Council |
SRC➣Sub-Regional Command |
SRC➣Society Relations Council |
SRC➣Surveillance & Reconnaissance Center |
SRC➣Swaziland Reformed Church (est. 1946) |
SRC➣Swift Registration Center (Pakistan) |
SRC➣Stock Record Card |
SRC➣Standard Reference Condition |
SRC➣Sample Receiving Custodian |
SRC➣Staffs' Reference Committee |
SRC➣Stanton Rowing Club |
SRC➣Short Range Calendar |
SRC➣Special Retirement Coverage |
SRC➣Shipment Release Code |
SRC➣Secondary Reference Cube |
SRC➣Spokane Regional Council |
SRC➣Specimen Research Centrifuge |
SRC➣Surface Run Cable |
SRC➣Stereo Reception Control |
SRC➣Scrap Recycle Plant |
SRC➣Small Regional Conflict |
SRC➣Support Responsibility Code |
SRC➣Service Repair Card |
SRC➣Shadowed Rician Channel |
SRC➣System Retirement Concept |
SRC➣Sistema de Relación con el Cliente (Spanish: System of Customer Relationships) |
SRC➣Social Renaissance Council |
SRC➣System Request Consultants, Inc (Middleton, WI) |
SRC➣Submarine Reactor Compartment |
SRC➣STEMI (ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction) Receiving Center (heart care) |
SRC➣Salt Resistant Cement |