Acronym | Definition |
SRA➣Senior Airman |
SRA➣Systems Research & Applications (Corporation) |
SRA➣Solicitors Regulation Authority (UK) |
SRA➣Senora (Spanish) |
SRA➣Senhora (Portuguese) |
SRA➣Sarasota (Amtrak station code; Sarosota, FL) |
SRA➣Sarasota (Amtrak station code; Sarasota, FL) |
SRA➣State Recreation Area |
SRA➣Society for Risk Analysis |
SRA➣Satanic Ritual Abuse |
SRA➣Sanford Rose Associates (recruiting; Texas) |
SRA➣Sonic Rush Adventure (video game) |
SRA➣Sociedad Rural Argentina |
SRA➣Science Research Associates |
SRA➣Safety Risk Assessment (various organizations) |
SRA➣System Requirements Analysis |
SRA➣Seamless Rate Adaptation |
SRA➣Sugar Regulatory Administration (Philippines) |
SRA➣Sabine River Authority |
SRA➣Schedule Risk Analysis |
SRA➣Secure Remote Access (computer networking) |
SRA➣Strategic Rail Authority (UK) |
SRA➣Secretaría de La Reforma Agraria (México) |
SRA➣Society of Research Administrators |
SRA➣Status Register a |
SRA➣System Reference Architecture |
SRA➣Secure Remote Access |
SRA➣Shift Right Arithmetic |
SRA➣Self Referential Acronym |
SRA➣Software Research Associates, Inc. (Japan) |
SRA➣Self-Representing Artist (glass artists) |
SRA➣Special Review Assessment (education) |
SRA➣Scientific & Regulatory Affairs (various organizations) |
SRA➣Socialist Rifle Association (Florida) |
SRA➣Stress Risk Assessment (various organizations) |
SRA➣Sexual Recovery Anonymous |
SRA➣Scientific Review Administrator |
SRA➣Stringent Regulatory Authority |
SRA➣Scientific Research Association |
SRA➣Sugar Research Australia (Queensland, Australia) |
SRA➣Sentencing Reform Act |
SRA➣State Rail Authority |
SRA➣State Retirement Agency (Maryland) |
SRA➣Senior Resident Assistant (various schools) |
SRA➣State Regulatory Authority (various locations) |
SRA➣Senior Research Associate |
SRA➣Supplemental Retirement Annuity |
SRA➣Suburban Realtors Alliance (Malvern, PA) |
SRA➣Security and Risk Analysis (Penn State degree program) |
SRA➣Security Risk Assessment |
SRA➣Slum Rehabilitation Authority (India) |
SRA➣Selected Restricted Availability |
SRA➣Singapore Retailers Association |
SRA➣Sector Regulatory Authority (United Arab Emirates) |
SRA➣Serotonin Release Assay (diagnostic test) |
SRA➣Safety Rest Area (various locations) |
SRA➣Atlantic Searobins |
SRA➣Squash Rackets Association |
SRA➣Smart Remote Actuator (electromechanics) |
SRA➣Safe Refuge Area (emergency management) |
SRA➣Senior Resource Alliance |
SRA➣Summer Research Academy (various locations) |
SRA➣Soil Release Agent (detergents) |
SRA➣Surveillance Radar Approach (aviation) |
SRA➣Student Radio Association |
SRA➣State Restaurant Association (various locations) |
SRA➣Software Requirements Analysis |
SRA➣Shrinkage-Reducing Admixture (concrete) |
SRA➣Student Radio Awards |
SRA➣Software Radio Architecture |
SRA➣Shop Replaceable Assembly |
SRA➣Secure RPC Authentication |
SRA➣Ship's Restricted Availability |
SRA➣Spanish Radio Association |
SRA➣Sales Returns Allowance (contra asset accrual for returned merchandise) |
SRA➣Southern Rodeo Association |
SRA➣Specialized Repair Activity |
SRA➣Stock Record Account |
SRA➣Skydiver Resurrection Award |
SRA➣Southwestern Rodeo Association (est. 1938) |
SRA➣Solidarité Résistance Antifa (French political organization) |
SRA➣Society for Reproductive Anachronisms |
SRA➣Salem Redevelopment Authority (Massachusetts, USA) |
SRA➣Sub Registration Authority |
SRA➣Source-Receiver Array |
SRA➣Structural Reliability Assessment |
SRA➣Severe Reality Adjustment |
SRA➣Stade Rodez Aveyron (French: Rodez Aveyron Stadium) |
SRA➣Spin Reference Axis |
SRA➣Source Routing Accelerator |
SRA➣Singapore Rowing Association |
SRA➣Senior Residential Appraisal (Appraisal Institute) |
SRA➣Senior Resident Agent |
SRA➣Shipping Risk Area |
SRA➣Shop Repairable Assembly |
SRA➣Station Representatives Association |
SRA➣Separate Reporting Activity |
SRA➣Ship Radio Authorization |
SRA➣Slipring Assembly |
SRA➣Software Reliability Assessment |
SRA➣Selected Reserve Augmentee |
SRA➣Saskatoon Ringette Association (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) |
SRA➣System Requirement Assembly |
SRA➣Server Root Administrator |
SRA➣Self-Referencing Acronym |
SRA➣Start-Restart Actuator |
SRA➣Self-Reducing Alidade |
SRA➣Superfund Amendments and Reorganization Act of 1986 |
SRA➣Shanghai Reeducation Administration |
SRA➣Sex Reversal, Autosomal |
SRA➣Spherical Radiation Absorber |
SRA➣Smelter Reduction Amount (Australia) |
SRA➣Senior Recovery Advisor |
SRA➣Systematic Repeat Accumulate Coding |
SRA➣Southern Region Athletics (Sports Association of Tasmanian Independent Schools, Australia) |
SRA➣Superior Rights Amendment |
SRA➣Segment Receivers Address |
SRA➣Ship Replaceable/Repairable Assembly |
SRA➣Shaped Reflector Antenna |
SRA➣SQL Remote for ASA |
SRA➣Sequential Rotation Array |
SRA➣Southeast Research Associates |
SRA➣Self-Reciprocal Aperture |
SRA➣Subsidy, Reimbursement or Allowance |
SRA➣Selective/Scheduled Restricted Availability |
SRA➣Shadow Resistance Aura (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
SRA➣Solutions Rapides d'Analyse des Gaz et des Vapeurs (French: Quick Solutions for the Analysis of Gases and Vapors) |
SRA➣Shendand Construction Agency |