释义 |
semicanalis sem·i·ca·nal (sem'ē-kă-nal'), A half canal; a deep groove on the edge of a bone that, uniting with a similar groove or part of an adjoining bone, forms a complete canal. Synonym(s): semicanalissem·i·ca·nal (sem'ē-kă-nal') A half canal; a deep groove on the edge of a bone that, uniting with a similar groove or part of an adjoining bone, forms a complete canal. Synonym(s): semicanalis. semicanalisS05-848140 (sĕm″ē-kă-nā′lĭs) [L., semicanal] A channel open on one side.semicanalis musculi tensoris tympaniThe semicanal of the tensor tympani muscle in the temporal bone.semicanalis tubae auditivaeThe semicanal of the auditory tube. |