Rosenblatt, Frank
Rosenblatt, Frank
Born July 11, 1928, in New Rochelle, N. Y.; died 1971 in USA. American psychologist.
In 1950, Rosenblatt graduated from Cornell University. Until 1955 he worked for a national public-health corporation and in a social-science research center. He later worked at the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, becoming in 1959 director of a research program on pattern recognition. In 1957, Rosenblatt proposed and substantiated the principle of the perceptron.
In Russian translation:Printsipy neirodinamiki: Pertseptrony i teoriia mekhanizmov mozga. Moscow, 1965.
“Strategicheskie podkhody k issledovaniiu modelei mozga.” In the collection Printsipy samoorganizatsii. Moscow, 1966.