substance dependence disorder

substance dependence disorder

a maladaptive pattern of use of alcohol, drugs, or other substances, with tolerance and/or withdrawal symptoms, drug-seeking behavior, and lack of success in discontinuation of use, to the detriment of social, interpersonal, and occupational activities.

sub·stance de·pen·dence dis·or·der

(sŭb'stăns dĕ-pen'dĕns dis-ōr'dĕr) A maladaptive pattern of use of alcohol, drugs, or other substances, with tolerance or withdrawal symptoms, drug-seeking behavior, and lack of success in discontinuation of use, to the detriment of social, interpersonal, and occupational activities.

substance dependence disorder

An addictive disorder of compulsive drug use. It is marked by a cluster of behavioral and physiological symptoms that indicate continual use of the substance despite significant related problems. Patients develop a tolerance for the substance and require progressively greater amounts to elicit the effects desired. In addition, patients experience physical and psychological signs and symptoms of withdrawal if the agent is not used. See: abuse, substance; substance-induced disorder; substance-related disorder