Semen Ginzburg
Ginzburg, Semen Sergeevich
Born Sept. 11 (24), 1907, in Moscow. Soviet film historian; doctor of art studies (1964).
In 1935, Ginzburg edited the journal Sovetskoe kino and then Iskusstvo kino; he was head of the movie department of the newspaper Sovetskaia kul’tura. From 1950 to 1953 he was a senior editor at the Soiuzmul’tfil’m Studio, and since 1953 has been senior scientific worker at the Institute of Art History. From 1946 to 1966 he taught history and theory of film at the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography and at the Higher Screenwriting Courses. Ginzburg’s primary works are devoted to the history and theory of animated film and to the history of Russian and Soviet film.
Risovannyi i kukol’nyi fil’m. Moscow, 1957.“Bor’ba za utverzhdenie peredovykh tvorcheskikh printsipov v sovetskom kinoiskusstve vtoroi poloviny 20-kh godov.” In Ocherki istorii sovetskogo kino, vol. 1. Moscow, 1956.
“Khudozhestvennaia mul’tiplikatsiia.” Ocherki istorii sovetskogo kino, vol. 3. Moscow, 1961.
Kinematografiia dorevoliutsionnoi Rossii. Moscow, 1963.
“Sovetskoe kino v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny.” In Kratkaia istoriia sovetskogo kino. [Moscow, 1969.]