Semenenko, Nikolai Panteleimonovich

Semenenko, Nikolai Panteleimonovich


Born Nov. 3 (16), 1905, in Mariupol’, now the city of Zhdanov. Soviet geologist. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1948). Member of the CPSU since 1932.

Semenenko graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute in 1927 and worked at the institute until 1941; in 1937 he was named a professor. In 1944 he became a department head of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. In the same year, he became a professor at the University of Kiev, serving in that capacity until 1952. He served as academician-secretary of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR from 1948 to 1950 and as vice-president from 1950 to 1970. In 1969 he became director of the Institute of Geochemistry and the Physics of Minerals and chairman of the Committee on Meteorites of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.

Semenenko’s principal works are devoted to the geological and petrographic study of Precambrian crystalline rock masses and the geology of the Krivoi Rog Iron Ore Basin and the ferruginous-flinty formations of the Ukraine. He authored works on problems of petrography, including the metamorphism and metasomatism of rocks, paragenetic analysis, and the classification of magmatic rocks, as well as work on geochemistry and geochronology.

Semenenko has been awarded two Orders of Lenin, two other orders, and various medals.


Belevtsev, Ia. N., N. M. Akimenko, and S. I. Zhilkinskii. “Nauchnaia deiatel’nost’ N. P. Semenenko.” In Mineralogicheskii sbornik, no. 9, L’vov, 1955.