

单词 sr



The symbol for strontium.


abbr. seaman recruit


abbr. steradian


symbol for (Units) steradian


the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Suriname


abbreviation for 1. (after a name) senior 2. Señor 3. Sir 4. (Ecclesiastical Terms) Sister (religious) the chemical symbol for (Elements & Compounds) strontium


Chem. Symbol. strontium.


1. Senhor. 2. Senior. 3. Señor. 4. Sir. 5. Sister. [< L Soror]


The symbol for strontium.
Noun1.Sr - a soft silver-white or yellowish metallic element of the alkali metal groupSr - a soft silver-white or yellowish metallic element of the alkali metal group; turns yellow in air; occurs in celestite and strontianiteatomic number 38, strontiummetal, metallic element - any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.strontium 90 - a radioactive isotope of strontium (with the mass number 90) that is present in the fallout from nuclear explosions; can be assimilated like calcium into bonescelestite - a mineral consisting of strontium sulphatestrontianite - a mineral consisting of strontium carbonate2.sr - the unit of solid angle adopted under the Systeme International d'Unitessteradianangular unit - a unit of measurement for anglessphere - a three-dimensional closed surface such that every point on the surface is equidistant from the center


written abbreviation () Senior. Sammy Davis Sr. (書面語縮寫)先生 先生(书面语缩写)



 [rāt] the speed or frequency with which an event or circumstance occurs per unit of time, population, or other standard of comparison.adjusted rate a fictitious summary rate statistically adjusted to remove the effect of a variable, such as age or sex, to permit unbiased comparison between groups having different compositions with respect to these variables. See also rate" >crude rate and rate" >specific rate.attack rate in the analysis of acute outbreaks of disease, the proportion of persons who are exposed to the disease during the outbreak who do become ill.basal metabolic rate an expression of the rate at which oxygen is utilized in a fasting subject at complete rest as a percentage of a value established as normal for such a subject. Abbreviated BMR.birth rate the number of live births in a geographic area in a defined period, usually one year, relative to some specified population. For the crude birth rate, it is the average total population or the midyear population in the area during the period. Specific birth rates for subsets of the population may also be calculated, for example, an age-specific birth rate is limited to the population of females of a defined age range.case fatality rate the number of deaths due to a specific disease as compared to the total number of cases of the disease.crude rate one giving the total number of events occurring in an entire population over a period of time, without reference to any of the individuals or subgroups within the population. See also rate" >adjusted rate and rate" >specific rate.death rate the number of deaths in a certain period of time divided by the total of a given population. The crude death rate is the ratio of the number of deaths in a geographic area in one year divided by the average population in the area during the year. The age-specific death rate is the ratio of the number of deaths occurring in a specified age group to the average population of that group. The cause-specific death rate is the ratio of the number of deaths due to a specified cause to the average total population. Called also mortality rate.Historic example of death rates (per 100,000) for leading causes of death for men aged 25–44 years. From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 42:483, 1993.DEF rate an expression of dental caries experienced in primary teeth, calculated by adding number of those requiring filling (D), decayed teeth requiring extraction (E), and those that have already been successfully filled (F); missing primary teeth are not included in the calculation.DMF rate an expression of the condition of the permanent teeth based on the number of teeth decayed, missing (or indicated for removal), and filled or bearing restorations. It is calculated by adding the number of carious permanent teeth requiring filling (D), carious ones requiring extraction (Mr), ones previously extracted because of caries (Mp), and permanent teeth (F).dose rate the amount of any therapeutic agent administered per unit of time.erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) see erythrocyte sedimentation rate.fatality rate the rate" >death rate in a specific group of persons simultaneously affected by some event or circumstances, such as a natural disaster.fertility rate a measure of fertility in a defined population over a specified period of time, usually one year; particularly the rate" >general fertility rate, but also including more specific rates such as those for females of a given parity or a particular age range or that describing the completed rate for females who have finished childbearing.fetal death rate the ratio of the number of fetal deaths in one year to the total number of both live births and fetal deaths in that year.five-year survival rate an expression of the number of survivors with no trace of a given disease five years after each has been diagnosed or treated for the disease.flow rate flow (def. 2).forced expiratory flow rate forced expiratory flow.general fertility rate the most widely used measure of fertility; the number of live births in a geographic area in a year per 1000 women of childbearing age, which is usually defined as age 15 to 44 years.glomerular filtration rate an expression of the quantity of glomerular filtrate formed each minute in the nephrons of both kidneys, calculated by measuring the clearance of specific substances, e.g., inulin or creatinine.growth rate an expression of the increase in size of an organic object per unit of time.heart rate the number of contractions of the cardiac ventricles per unit of time (usually per minute).incidence rate the risk of developing a particular disease during a given period of time; the numerator of the rate is the number of new cases during the specified time period and the denominator is the population at risk during the period. Compare prevalence r.infant mortality rate the ratio of the number of deaths in one year of children less than one year of age to the number of live births in that year.intrinsic rate in pacing" >cardiac pacing terminology, the heart rate unaided by an pacemaker" >artificial pacemaker, expressed in beats per minute (bpm). See also length" >cycle length.maternal mortality rate a rate in which the numerator is the number of maternal deaths ascribed to puerperal causes in one year; the number of live births in that year is often used as the denominator, although to make a true rate the denominator should be the number of pregnancies (live births plus fetal deaths). Called also puerperal mortality rate.maximal expiratory flow rate (MEFR) maximal expiratory flow.maximal midexpiratory flow rate (MMFR) maximal midexpiratory flow.mendelian rate an expression of the numerical relations of the occurrence of distinctly contrasted mendelian characteristics in succeeding generations of hybrid offspring.metabolic rate an expression of the amount of oxygen consumed by the body cells.morbidity rate an inexact term that can mean either the rate" >incidence rate or the rate" >prevalence rate.mortality rate death rate.neonatal mortality rate the ratio of the number of deaths in one year of children less than 28 days of age to the number of live births in that year.paced rate in pacing" >cardiac pacing terminology, the rate of pulses of an pacemaker" >artificial pacemaker, expressed as pulses per minute (ppm). See also length" >cycle length.perinatal mortality rate the ratio of the number of the sum of fetal deaths after 28 or more weeks of gestation (stillbirths) and deaths of infants less than 7 days of age in one time period and population to the sum of the number of live births and fetal deaths after 28 or more weeks of gestation (stillbirths) in that same time period and population.postneonatal mortality rate the ratio of the number of deaths in a given year of children between the 28th day of life and the first birthday relative to the difference between the number of the live births and neonatal deaths in that year; the denominator is sometimes simplified, less correctly, to the number of live births. The ratio is sometimes approximated as the difference between the infant mortality rate and the neonatal mortality rate.prevalence rate the number of people in a population who have a disease at a given time; the numerator is the number of existing cases of disease at a specified time and the denominator is the total population. Time may be a point or a defined interval, and is traditionally the former if unspecified. Compare incidence r.puerperal mortality rate maternal mortality r.pulse rate the rate of the pulse, measured as number of pulsations in an artery per unit of time; normally between 60 and 80 per minute in an adult.respiration rate the number of inhalations and exhalations per unit of time, usually measured by observation of chest movements and averaging 16 to 20 per minute in an adult.sedimentation rate the rate at which a sediment is deposited in a given volume of solution, especially when subjected to the action of a centrifuge; see also erythrocyte sedimentation rate.slew rate in pacing" >cardiac pacing, the rate, expressed in units of mV/msec, at which an R wave reaches peak amplitude; it represents the maximum rate of change of amplifier output voltage.specific rate a rate that applies to a specific demographic subgroup, e.g., individuals of a specific age, sex, or race, giving the total number of events in relation only to that subgroup. See also rate" >adjusted rate and rate" >crude rate.stillbirth rate fetal death rate.


 [stron´she-um] a chemical element, atomic number 38, atomic weight 87.62, symbol Sr. (See Appendix 6.)strontium 89 a radioactive isotope of strontium having a half-life of 50.55 days and decaying by beta emission. It is used in the form of the chloride as a radiation source in the palliative treatment of bone pain in patients with metastatic bone lesions.


Symbol for strontium.


Abbreviation for steradian.


Abbreviation for:
sarcoplasmic reticulum
saturation recovery
secretion rate
scavenger receptor
Schatzki ring
seasonal rhinitis
secretion rate
sedimentation rate
Senior Registrar (obsolete) 
senior resident
serine racemase
service record
sex ratio
sex reversal
shear rate
short repeat
side rails
sinus rate
sinus rhythm
skin resistance
slow release
Society of Radiographers 
soluble receptor
somatostatin receptor
spacer region
spatial resolution
spending review
spontaneous rate
spontaneous regression
spontaneous respiration
standard deviation
startle response
stellate reticulum
stereotactic radiosurgery
steroid receptor
stimulus response
stress relaxation
stretch reflex
superficial radial
superior rectus
surface roughness
sustained release
survival rate
suture removal
systematic review
systemic reaction
systemic review


Abbreviation for slow release.


Symbol for strontium


Symbol for strontium.



The two-character ISO 3166 country code for SURINAME.


1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the Republic of Suriname. This is the code used in international transactions to and from Surinamese bank accounts.

2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for Suriname. This is used as an international standard for shipping to Suriname. Each Surinamese district has its own code with the prefix "SR." For example, the code for the District of Wanica is ISO 3166-2:SR:WA.


SRSeñor (Spanish: Mister)
SRSenhor (Portuguese: Mister)
SRSystematic Review
SRState Route
SRState Road
SRScientific Research
SRSanta Rosa (California)
SRService Representative
SRSouthern Region (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America)
SRSan Ramon (northern California)
SRSpecial Report
SRSocial Responsibility
SRSpeech Recognition
SRSurvival Rate
SRStatus Report
SRShort Range
SRSkid Row (band)
SRSlovak Republic
SRSchwester (German: Sister)
SRSatellite Radio
SRSaddle River (New Jersey)
SRSearch and Rescue
SRSouthern Railway
SRStorage Ring
SRSniper Rifle
SRShort Run
SRSynchrotron Radiation
SRSavannah River
SRStatus Register
SRSound Recording
SRService Request
SRSpace Research
SRSarcoplasmic Reticulum
SRSlow Release (medication)
SRSugar Ray (band)
SRSampling Rate
SRStrategic Reconnaissance
SRStandard Reference
SRSurveillance and Reconnaissance
SRSunderland (postcode, United Kingdom)
SRSpeed Racer (cartoon)
SRSerbia & Montenegro
SRSigur Rós (band)
SRSynthetic Rubber
SRSunday River (Ski Resort)
SRSaudi Riyal (national currency)
SRSatellite Receiver
SRSedimentation Rate
SRSquare Root
SRSlew Rate
SRSlide Rule
SRSlip Ring
SRShopRite (supermarket chain)
SRScavenger Receptor
SRSinus Rhythm
SRStandard Rate
SRService Record
SRSearch and Retrieval (computer searches)
SRSocial Reform
SRShift Register
SRSenate Resolution
SRService Report
SRSin Reservas (Guatamalen cable TV show)
SRShared Resources
SRStudies in Religion (various locations)
SRShe-Ra (He-Man character)
SRSupervision and Regulation
SRSurveillance Radar
SRStrategic Review
SRSystem Requirement
SRSpecial Reserve
SRSaarländischer Rundfunk (German Radio and TV Station)
SRSlow Response
SRSymbol Rate
SRSaturday Review
SRSwan River (Canada)
SRSpecial Relativity
SRSource Rock (geology)
SRSwiss Air (Airline of Switzerland)
SRShort Reach (fiber)
SRScenic Railway (amusement park ride)
SRShort Radius (piping elbow)
SRSeaman Recruit (USN Rating)
SRSoftware Review
SRSupport Request (technical support)
SRShort Rod
SRStage Right
SRSupport Requirements
SRScientific Racism (pseudoscience)
SRSource Routing (ATMF)
SRSergei Rachmaninov (classical composer)
SRSocialist-Revolutionary (Russian political party)
SRSam Roberts (musician)
SRSide Release (buckle)
SRSpecial Rapporteur (French: Special Talebearer; UN)
SRSend & Receive
SRStrike Rate (cricket scoring)
SRSummer Resident (nature)
SRService Release
SRSerine/Arginine-Rich (proteins)
SRSite Representative
SRSupporting Research
SRSoul Reaver (video game)
SRSingle Replacement (chemical reaction)
SRSignature Range (food brand)
SRScanning Radiometer
SRShady Records (record label)
SRSun Roof
SRSoftware Radio
SRSoil Resistance
SRSource Range
SRSteradian (metric unit of solid angle)
SRSugar Rush (UK TV series)
SRSelected Reserve
SRSafety Release
SRShock Rifle (gaming, Unreal tournament)
SRSignaling Rate
SRSafety Rod
SRStandard Repair
SRSortie Rate
SRSerum Replacement (biochemistry)
SRSpecial Review
SRShunt Reactor (power electronics)
SRSediment Regime
SRSpectral Response
SRSurveillance Requirement
SRState Relay
SRStochastic Resonance (statistics)
SRSpring Roll
SRSeverity Rate
SRSender Report (computing)
SRSteam Reforming
SRSenior Rater
SRSpecial Regulations
SRSet Reset
SRSul Ross State University (Alpine, Texas)
SRSabbath Recorder (Seventh Day Baptist publication; Wisconsin)
SRSpell Resistance (gaming)
SRSonic Revolution (game)
SRSiracusa, Sicilia (Syracuse; Italian province)
SRSpecial Reconnaissance
SRSaitama Railway (Japan)
SRSensor Reader
SRSpending Review
SRSpecial Recovery
SRStandardized Regulations
SRSynchronizing Resources (concurrent programmming language)
SRStatus Response (Hekimian)
SRStrategy Runner (Automated investment and trading software company)
SRSveriges Riksdag (Swedish: Sveriges Radio)
SRShoulder Rotations (exercises)
SRSum Rule
SRShipment Request
SRSpecial Requirement
SRSpectral Recording (Dolby)
SRSporting Rifle (smokeless powder type)
SRSuperior Rectus (eye muscle)
SRSeparate Rations
SRSelective Ringing
SRSession Relay (computer networking)
SRSoldiers Radio
SRSe Renta (Spanish: for rent)
SRSpot Repair
SRSpecial Recommendation (Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering; France)
SRStress-Resistant (pig genetics)
SRStress Rupture
SRScan Ratio
SRStem Rot
SRSpreading Resistance
SRSupply Road
SRScheduled Result
SRSunset Riders (game)
SRSteel Radial (tire technology)
SRShielded Receiver
SRShiina Ringo (Japanese musician/singer)
SRSunlight Resistant
SRStrehl Ratio (optics)
SRStatic Representation (software engineering)
SRSpecialist Registration
SRSocialists for Reform (San Marino)
SRSaturable Reactor
SRSuburban Rhythm (band; also song by Reel Big Fish)
SRSpontaneous Reboot
SRSpare Row
SRStuff Request (Nortel)
SRState Road/Route
SRSuperficial Reflux
SRSubtract Register
SRSelbstständiges Referat (German: Independent Unit)
SRSeaplane Reconnaissance Aircraft (US Navy)
SRSegmentation Reassembly (Protocol)
SRServiço da República (Portuguese official stationery)
SRSerum Receptor (biochemistry)
SRShip Repair Ratings (US Navy)
SRSuccessively Refinable (data compression system)
SRSilent Reflex
SRSouthern Royalty (hip hop group)
SRShaft Rate
SRSedlighetsroteln (Swedish vice police branch)
SRSibling Records
SRSubsonic Radio (forum and streaming radio station)
SRSpray Recirculation
SRSuppressed Radiation
SRShort Remittance
SRSolar Regenerative
SRStandard Range Approach
SRSlow Reversals (PNF technique)
SRSewer, Run Off
SRSind Regiment (Pakistan)
SRSpecialized English Training Required
SRSummaries Recurring
SRrSound Rating (enegy products)
SRSaarlädischer Rundfunk = Radio Saarland
SRServiço Representações (Portuguese: Service Representatives)
SRAir Search Radar Receiver (US Navy)
SRSerim Ral (gaming)
SRServiço Regional do Ministério da Educação (Portuguese: Regional Ministry of Education; Portugal)


  • noun

Synonyms for Sr

noun a soft silver-white or yellowish metallic element of the alkali metal group


  • atomic number 38
  • strontium

Related Words

  • metal
  • metallic element
  • strontium 90
  • celestite
  • strontianite

noun the unit of solid angle adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites


  • steradian

Related Words

  • angular unit
  • sphere




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