Rosegger Peter
Rosegger Peter
(real surname Kettenfeier). Born July 31, 1843, in Alpl, Styria; died June 26, 1918, in Krieglach, Sty-ria. Austrian writer.
Rosegger was self-educated. He wrote poetry and short stories in the Upper Styrian dialect and novels in literary language. His stories and novels of provincial life, including Styrian Tales (1871) and The Forest Schoolmaster (1875), depicted the life of the Alpine village. The novel Jacob the Last (1888; Russian translation, 1907) portrayed the decline of the village under the impact of capitalism. A conservative populist outlook inspired the novels The Earth and the Fulness Thereof (1900) and Worldly Poison (1903). Nationalism and a religious quest were reflected in Rosegger’s novels The God-seeker (1883) and My Paradise (1901).
Ausgewählte Werke, vols. 1–4. Vienna, 1964.In Russian translation:
Izbrannye rasskazy. Moscow, 1910.
V gostiakh u diadi. Moscow, 1915.
Latzke, R. P. Rosegger, vols. 1–2. Weimar, 1943–53.Haslinger, F. P. Rosegger als Jünger Merkurs und Apolls. Graz, 1964.