释义 |
rap·id R0044300 (răp′ĭd)adj. rap·id·er, rap·id·est Moving, acting, or occurring with great speed. See Synonyms at fast1.n. often rapids An extremely fast-moving part of a river, caused by a steep descent in the riverbed. [Latin rapidus, from rapere, to seize; see rep- in Indo-European roots.] ra·pid′i·ty (rə-pĭd′ĭ-tē), rap′id·ness (răp′ĭd-nĕs) n.rap′id·ly adv.rapids (ˈræpɪdz) pl n (Physical Geography) part of a river where the current is very fast and turbulentrapidsA steep section of river where water flows faster than elsewhere.Translationsrapid (ˈrӕpid) adjective quick; fast. He made some rapid calculations; He looked feverish and had a rapid pulse. 快速的 快的,迅速的 ˈrapidly adverb 快速地 迅速地raˈpidity noun 快速 迅速ˈrapidness noun 快速 迅速ˈrapids noun plural a place in a river where the water flows quickly, often having dangerous rocks in mid-stream. 湍流,險灘 急流湍滩,湍滩急流 IdiomsSeerapidRapids
Rapids the part of a river channel where the river drops sharply and the current moves swiftly. Rapids usually form where the river surface is broken by rocky ridges or outcrops, rocks not easily erodible, boulder conglomerates, or rockfall. They sometimes form where there once was a waterfall. Hydroelectric power plants are frequently built on rivers that have rapids and a significant steepening in the stream gradient. Two such plants are the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Plant, built at the rapids of the Dnieper, and Volkhov Hydroelectric Power Plant, built at the rapids of the Volkhov. Rapids usually make navigation and timber flotation very difficult and require the construction of bypass canals. MedicalSeeRAPIDSee RPDS
Acronym | Definition |
RAPIDS➣Realtime Automated Personal Identification System | RAPIDS➣Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System | RAPIDS➣Regional Air Pollutant Inventory Development System | RAPIDS➣Random Access Personnel Information Dissemination System | RAPIDS➣Reusable Application Integration and Development Standards | RAPIDS➣Resource Allocation Programming Information Decision System | RAPIDS➣Radar Passive Identification System | RAPIDS➣Reserve Automated Personnel Identification System | RAPIDS➣Ruggedized Advanced Pathogen Identification Device | RAPIDS➣Regulatory Affairs Product Stewardship Information/Certification Data Sheet |