Partiinoe Stroitelstvo

Partiinoe Stroitel’stvo


(Party Construction), a fortnightly journal of the Central Committee of the ACP(B). Published from 1929 to 1946 in place of the informational journal Izvestiia TsK RKP(b).

Partiinoe stroitel’stvo published official materials of the Central Committee on questions of party leadership. One of its central tasks was to explain the Central Committee’s decisions and to mobilize party activists and all communists to put those decisions into practice. In addition to theoretical elaboration of questions of party construction, it dealt with the activities of both the lower party units and the party’s ruling bodies. The journal propagandized advanced methods of party work and carried materials on the exchange of experience between party organizations. It published advice by specialists for party activists and all communists and carried bibliographic indexes of new books on sociopolitical themes with reviews of the most important books. Authors included scholars and party workers. Circulation, 150,000 (1946). Since 1946 the journal has been called Partiinaia zhizn’.