

单词 rosaceae


Noun1.Rosaceae - a large family of dicotyledonous plants of order RosalesRosaceae - a large family of dicotyledonous plants of order Rosales; have alternate leaves and five-petaled flowers with numerous stamensfamily Rosaceae, rose familyrosid dicot family - a family of dicotyledonous plantsorder Rosales, Rosales - in some classifications this category does not include Leguminosaegenus Rosa, Rosa - large genus of erect or climbing prickly shrubs including rosesgenus Agrimonia - genus of herbs found chiefly in north temperate regions having pinnate leaves and yellow flowers followed by bristly fruitAmelanchier, genus Amelanchier - North American deciduous trees or shrubsChaenomeles, genus Chaenomeles - flowering quinceChrysobalanus, genus Chrysobalanus - coco plumsgenus Cotoneaster - genus of deciduous or evergreen Old World shrubs widely cultivatedCrataegus, genus Crataegus - thorny shrubs and small trees: hawthorn; thorn; thorn appleCydonia, genus Cydonia - quinceDryas, genus Dryas - mountain avensEriobotrya, genus Eriobotrya - Asiatic evergreen fruit treesFragaria, genus Fragaria - strawberriesgenus Geum, Geum - avensgenus Heteromeles, Heteromeles - one species: toyon; in some classifications included in genus Photiniagenus Malus, Malus - apple trees; found throughout temperate zones of the northern hemispheregenus Mespilus, Mespilus - medlarsgenus Photinia, Photinia - genus of deciduous and evergreen east Asian trees and shrubs widely cultivated as ornamentals for their white flowers and red fruits; in some classifications includes genus Heteromelesgenus Potentilla, Potentilla - chiefly perennial northern hemisphere herbs and shrubs: cinquefoilgenus Poterium, Poterium - a genus of thorny herbs or shrubs of the family Rosaceaegenus Prunus, Prunus - a genus of shrubs and trees of the family Rosaceae that is widely distributed in temperate regionsAmygdalaceae, family Amygdalaceae - used in former classifications for plum and peach and almond trees which are now usually classified as members of the genus Prunusgenus Pyracantha - Eurasian evergreen thorny shrubs bearing red or orange-red berriesgenus Pyrus, Pyrus - fruit trees native to the Old World: pearsgenus Rubus, Rubus - large genus of brambles bearing berriesgenus Sorbus, Sorbus - a genus of shrubs or trees of the family Rosaceae having feathery leavesgenus Spiraea, Spiraea - a dicotyledonous genus of the family Rosaceae




[rō′zās·ē‚ē] (botany) A family of dicotyledonous plants in the order Rosales typically having stipulate leaves and hypogynous, slightly perigynous, or epigynous flowers, numerous stamens, and several or many separate carpels.



(roses), a family of dicotyledonous plants including trees, shrubs, and herbs. The leaves are mostly stipular and usually alternate. The regular, predominantly bisexual flowers are solitary or, more commonly, in inflorescences. The perianth is mostly five-parted and often has an epicalyx. There usually are many stamens, and the number of carpels ranges from one to many. There are various kinds of fruits, including multiple fruits, capsules, pomes, and drupes. In some cultivated species the fruits are parthenocarpic and seedless.

There are about 115 genera of Rosaceae, embracing more than 3,000 species. The plants are distributed throughout the world, primarily in temperate and subtropical regions of the northern hemisphere. The USSR has about 55 genera, comprising more than 700 species.

The family Rosaceae is often divided into the following subfamilies: Spiraeoideae, Maloideae (also known as Pyroideae or Pomoideae), Rosoideae, and Prunoideae. The Spiraeoideae have a multiple fruit usually consisting of five free or fused carpels. In the Maloideae the fruit is a pome, and there usually are five carpels. The flowers of the Rosoideae often have an epicalyx, and the fruit—a multiple nutlet, multiple fruit, or cynarrhodium—usually has many carpels. The Prunoideae usually have a single carpel, and the fruit is a drupe. The subfamilies Maloideae and Prunoideae are often classified as the families Malaceae and Amygdalaceae, respectively. In the past two other subfamilies were assigned to the Rosaceae—Chrysobalanoideae and Neuradoideae; these two subfamilies are now known, respectively, as the independent families Chry-sobalanaceae and Neuradaceae.

The family Rosaceae includes fruit plants (apple, pear, quince, sour cherry, sweet cherry, plum, apricot, peach, medlar), berry crops (raspberry, strawberry, hautbois strawberry, blackberry, cloudberry), ornamental plants (rose, hawthorn, spirea), and medicinal plants (cherry laurel, salad burnet, tor-mentil).


Flora SSSR, vols. 9–10. Moscow-Leningrad, 1939–41.
Hutchinson, J. The Genera of Flowering Plants, vol. 1. Oxford, 1964.





(rō-zās′ē-ē″) [L. rosa + -aceae] The large family of flowering plants that includes roses. They generate allergic responses in some people.


  • noun

Synonyms for Rosaceae

noun a large family of dicotyledonous plants of order Rosales


  • family Rosaceae
  • rose family

Related Words

  • rosid dicot family
  • order Rosales
  • Rosales
  • genus Rosa
  • Rosa
  • genus Agrimonia
  • Amelanchier
  • genus Amelanchier
  • Chaenomeles
  • genus Chaenomeles
  • Chrysobalanus
  • genus Chrysobalanus
  • genus Cotoneaster
  • Crataegus
  • genus Crataegus
  • Cydonia
  • genus Cydonia
  • Dryas
  • genus Dryas
  • Eriobotrya
  • genus Eriobotrya
  • Fragaria
  • genus Fragaria
  • genus Geum
  • Geum
  • genus Heteromeles
  • Heteromeles
  • genus Malus
  • Malus
  • genus Mespilus
  • Mespilus
  • genus Photinia
  • Photinia
  • genus Potentilla
  • Potentilla
  • genus Poterium
  • Poterium
  • genus Prunus
  • Prunus
  • Amygdalaceae
  • family Amygdalaceae
  • genus Pyracantha
  • genus Pyrus
  • Pyrus
  • genus Rubus
  • Rubus
  • genus Sorbus
  • Sorbus
  • genus Spiraea
  • Spiraea




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