Selskaia Molodezh

Sel’skaia Molodezh’


(Rural Youth), an illustrated monthly literary and sociopolitical journal of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. The journal was founded by a decision of the Sixth Congress of the Komsomol, held in 1924, and has been published since 1925 in Moscow. Until 1935 it was known as Zhurnal krest’ianskoi molodezhi (Journal of Peasant Youth). It published works by such writers as M. A. Sholokhov, Dem’ian Bednyi, and V. V. Mayakovsky. M. I. Kalinin devoted great attention to the journal, which carried a special page entitled “Conversations With Kalinych.” In August 1935 the journal became a fortnightly and was renamed Molodoi kolkhoznik (The Young Kolkhoz Member). During the Great Patriotic War (1941–45), the journal was not published. Its present title dates from 1962.

Sel’skaia molodezh’ publishes articles on such subjects as the economic and social transformation of the Soviet countryside, the problems of the contemporary village, the work of young specialists in rural areas, and cultural and educational work among rural youth. In 1975 it was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. Circulation, 1.2 million (1975). Since 1966 the journal has published a literary supplement entitled Biblioteka podviga i prikliuchenii (The Library of Exploit and Adventure).