Volcanic Legacy Scenic Byway - California

Volcanic Legacy Scenic Byway - California

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:300 Pine St
Mount Shasta, CA 96067

Web: www.volcaniclegacybyway.org Description:The byway's volcanic landscape includes a wide diversity of scenery, passing through or near dense forests, wetlands and habitat areas, grasslands, farms and ranches, and timber resource lands. Forests and mountains along the byway are home to hiking trails, including the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail, ski slopes, and fishing and kayaking in clear mountain streams and lakes. Areas of interest include Lassen Volcanic National Park, Hat Creek, McArthur-Burney Falls State Park, the McCloud Waterfalls, and 14,162-foot Mount Shasta, the tallest volcano in California.
Legth: 360 miles (California section); 500 miles (total length). Start/Endpoint: Byway includes sections in northern California and southern Oregon. In California, byway runs fromMount Lassen in Northern California to the California-Oregon border. Time to Allow: One day. Designation/Year: All-American Road (2002).

See other parks in California.