Ranovich, Abram

Ranovich, Abram Borisovich


(real surname Rabino-vich). Born Dec. 3(15), 1885, in Zhitomir; died May 29, 1948, in Moscow. Soviet classical historian. Doctor of historical sciences (1937).

Ranovich was a professor at Moscow State University from 1937 to 1941 and a senior research worker at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1938 to 1948. He wrote a number of works on the history of Judaism and early Christianity. He also dealt with the socioeconomic history of the eastern Mediterranean region in classical times. His view of Hellenism as a distinct stage in the development of ancient slaveholding society is most clearly expounded in the posthumously published study Hellenism and Its Historical Role (1950). Ranovich was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.


Pervoistochniki po istorii rannego khristianstva. Moscow, 1933.
Ocherk istorii drevneevreiskoi religii. Moscow, 1937.
Ocherk istorii rannekhristianskoi tserkvi. Moscow, 1941.
Vostochnye provintsii Rimskoi imperii v l-III vv. Moscow-Leningrad, 1949.
O rannem khristianstve. Moscow, 1959. (With an introductory article about Ranovich and a bibliography of his works.)


“Nekrolog”(obituary). Vestnikdrevneiistorii, 1948, no.3.