tussive fremitus


 [frem´ĭ-tus] a vibration perceptible on palpation or auscultation; see also thrill.tactile fremitus a type of vocal fremitus found over an area of secretions.tussive fremitus one felt on the chest while the patient coughs.vocal fremitus (VF) transmission of the spoken voice to the chest wall, detectable by auscultation or palpation; it is increased with lung consolidation and decreased with pleural effusion, pneumothorax, and airway obstruction.

tus·sive frem·i·tus

a form of fremitus similar to the vocal, produced by a cough.

tus·sive frem·i·tus

(tŭs'iv frem'i-tŭs) A form of palpable vibration similar to the vocal, produced by a cough.

tus·sive frem·i·tus

(tŭs'iv frem'i-tŭs) Form of fremitus similar to vocal, produced by a cough.