Part-8 Review
Part-8 Review
Medspeak-UK Child welfareSerious care review. A case review of a child who has been seriously harmed through abuse, which is intended to learn from any failures and improve the systems and services for children and their families (see Serious Case Review).
Medspeak-UK Mental Health
Part 8 of Schedule A1 to the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The purpose of the Part-8 Review procedure is essentially to assess whether:
1. a person still meets the qualifying requirements for being deprived of his or her liberty, or whether the reasons why he or she does have changed; and
2. any conditions attached to the standard authorisation need to be varied.
The supervisory body must carry out a Part 8 Review if requested by the person being deprived of their liberty or by their “relevant person’s representative”, or by the managing authority of the hospital or care home.