Seliverstov, Ivan

Seliverstov, Ivan Ivanovich


Born Apr. 3(15), 1868, in Kharkov Province; died 1937, Russian geodesist.

Seliverstov graduated from Moscow University and entered military service in 1891. From 1898 to 1903 he attended the school of the geodesy division of the Academy of the General Staff. Between 1912 and 1920 he was head of triangulation for the Western Border Territory, and from 1920 to 1924 he was chief of a detachment for the Northern Military Topographic Division. He headed the topographic and geodetic division of the Geological Committee from 1924 to 1930. Seliverstov improved the procedures for base-line measurements and astronomical determinations. He published a four-volume work entitled Stellar Ephemeris for the Determination of Latitude From Correseponding Elevations (Pevtsov Method) in 1912.


Novokshanova-Sokolovskaia, Z. K. Kartograficheskie i geodezicheskie raboty v Rossii v XI V-nachale XX v. Moscow, 1967.