slow on the draw

slow on the draw

1. Slow to draw and fire one's gun in a fight. The man was too slow on the draw and was killed in the duel. It's Billy's own damn fault he was too slow on the draw when those coppers showed up.2. By extension, slow, delayed, or hesitant to begin, react, or take action. Emergency responders were too slow on the draw in dealing with the victim's injuries, and he ended up with permanent brain damage as a result. You were a little slow on the draw on your last line. Your character is supposed to come in a little bit sooner after Marlene finishes her monologue. You simply cannot afford to be slow on the draw when an allegation like that rears its head against you or your company.3. Not particularly bright, sharp-witted, or quick-thinking; slow to perceive or understand (something). Sorry about that mistake, I'm a little slow on the draw this morning. Joe's always been a bit slow on the draw when it comes to science and math.See also: draw, on, slow

slow on the draw

 1. Lit. slow in drawing a gun. (Cowboy and gangster talk.) Bill got shot because he's so slow on the draw. The gunslinger said, "I have to be fast. If I'm slow on the draw, I'm dead." 2. and slow on the uptake Fig. slow to figure something out; slow-thinking. Sally didn't get the joke because she's sort of slow on the draw. Billwho's slow on the uptakedidn't get the joke until it was explained to him.See also: draw, on, slow