Parry disease

Graves dis·ease

(grāvz), [MIM*275000] Avoid the incorrect forms Grave and Grave's.1. toxic goiter characterized by diffuse hyperplasia of the thyroid gland, a form of hyperthyroidism; exophthalmos is a common, but not invariable, concomitant finding; 2. thyroid dysfunction and all or any of its clinical associations; 3. an organ-specific autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland. Synonym(s): Basedow disease, ophthalmic hyperthyroidism, Parry disease

Graves dis·ease

(grāvz di-zēz') 1. Toxic goiter characterized by diffuse hyperplasia of the thyroid gland, a form of hyperthyroidism; exophthalmos is a common, but not invariable, concomitant finding. 2. Thyroid dysfunction and all or any of its clinical associations. 3. An organ-specific autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland.
See: thyrotoxicosis, Hashimoto disease, goiter, myxedema
Synonym(s): Parry disease.

Parry disease

(par'ez) [Caleb H. Parry, Brit. physician, 1755–1822] Hyperthyroidism.


Caleb Hillier, English physician, 1755-1822. Parry disease - Synonym(s): Graves disease