Rangeley Lakes Scenic Byway

Rangeley Lakes Scenic Byway

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:c/o Rangeley Lakes Chamber of Commerce
P. O. Box 317
Rangely, ME 04970

Web: www.rangeleymaine.com Description:Byway winds through the mountains of Maine, passing over 33,000 acres of conserved public access lands. It crosses the Appalachian Trail twice and runs along the shores of Rangeley Lake, the centerpiece of 112interconnected lakes and ponds scattered throughout the region. Recreational activities include fishing,hiking, skiing, snowmobiling, wildlife viewing, and leaf watching.
Legth: 36 miles. Start/Endpoint: From Small Falls, follows SR4 and SR17 to just south of Height of Land. Time to Allow: 2.5 hours. Designation/Year: National Scenic Byway (2000).

See other parks in Maine.