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tri·chro·mat·ic T0350300 (trī′krō-măt′ĭk) also tri·chrome (trī′krōm′) or tri·chro·mic (trī-krō′mĭk)adj.1. Of, relating to, or having three colors, as in photography or printing.2. Having perception of the three primary colors, as in normal human vision: trichromatic vision; a trichromatic individual. tri·chro′ma·cy (trī-krō′mə-sē), tri·chro′ma·tism (-tĭz′əm) n.trichromatism (traɪˈkrəʊməˌtɪzəm) n1. (Photography) the use or combination of three primary colours for colour reproduction in photography, printing, television, etc2. (Medicine) rare the state of being trichromatictri•chro•ma•tism (traɪˈkroʊ məˌtɪz əm) n. 1. the quality or condition of being trichromatic. 2. the use or combination of three colors, as in printing or photography. 3. normal color vision. [1885–90] trichromatism1. the condition of having, using, or combining three colors. 2. trichroism. — trichromatic, adj.See also: Physics 1. the condition of having, using, or combining three colors. 2. trichroism. — trichromatic, adj.See also: ColorEncyclopediaSeetrichromatictrichromatism
trichromatism [tri-kro´mah-tiz'm] vision" >trichromatic vision.anomalous trichromatism anomalous trichromatic vision.tri·chro·ma·tism (trī-krō'mă-tizm), The state of being trichromatic. [tri- + G. chrōma, color] trichromatism Colour vision characterized by the fact that any perceived hues can be matched by three independent primaries (e.g. red, green and blue). Syn. trichromacy; trichromatic vision. |