

(sĕlf′lĭk′wĭ-dā′tĭng)adj.1. Involving goods convertible into cash in a short time. Used of business transactions.2. Producing a return equal to the sum invested to create or maintain something: a self-liquidating toll-bridge project.
self′-liq′ui·da′tion n.


adj 1. (Banking & Finance) (of a loan, bill of exchange, etc) used to finance transactions whose proceeds are expected to accrue before the date of redemption or repayment 2. (Economics) (of a business transaction, project, investment, etc) yielding proceeds sufficient to cover the initial outlay or to finance any recurrent outlays


adj. 1. able to be converted into cash quickly. 2. (esp. of a property) producing income that repays the cost. [1915–20]