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self-liq·ui·dat·ing (sĕlf′lĭk′wĭ-dā′tĭng)adj.1. Involving goods convertible into cash in a short time. Used of business transactions.2. Producing a return equal to the sum invested to create or maintain something: a self-liquidating toll-bridge project. self′-liq′ui·da′tion n.self-liquidating adj 1. (Banking & Finance) (of a loan, bill of exchange, etc) used to finance transactions whose proceeds are expected to accrue before the date of redemption or repayment 2. (Economics) (of a business transaction, project, investment, etc) yielding proceeds sufficient to cover the initial outlay or to finance any recurrent outlays self`-liq′uidating adj. 1. able to be converted into cash quickly. 2. (esp. of a property) producing income that repays the cost. [1915–20] FinancialSeeSelf-Liquidating Bond |