Trichophyton schoenleinii

Tri·choph·y·ton schoen·lei·'ni·i

an anthropophilic endothrix species of dermatophyte fungi causing favus in humans; it is endemic throughout Eurasia and Africa and, because of travel, is seen more frequently in the Western Hemisphere; it produces tunnels within the hair shaft that are filled with air bubbles after the hyphae disintegrate.

Trich·o·phy·ton schoen·lei·ni·i

(tri-kof'i-ton shoyn-lī'nē-ī) Fungal species of dermatophyte that causes favus in humans; produces tunnels within the hair shaft that are filled with air bubbles after the hyphae disintegrate.

Trichophyton schoenleinii

The causative agent of favus of the scalp. See: favusSee also: Trichophyton