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trichopathophobia[‚trik·ə‚path·ə′fō·bē·ə] (psychology) Extreme anxiety and fear regarding growth, color, or diseases of hair. trichopathophobia
trich·o·path·o·pho·bi·a (trik'ō-path'ō-fō'bē-ă), Excessive worry regarding disease of the hair, its color, or abnormalities of its growth. [tricho- + G. pathos, suffering, + phobos, fear] trichopathophobia (trĭk″ō-păth″ō-fō′bē-ă) [″ + pathos, disease, suffering, + phobos, fear] A morbid fear of hair on the face experienced by women, or any abnormal anxiety regarding hair. |