

单词 trichomonas





a genus of unicellular organisms of the class Mastigophora. The body is pear-shaped, with four (sometimes three) flagella on the anterior end; a single flagellum trails backward along the outer margin of a thin cytoplasmic membrane that connects this flagellum to the body and with it forms an undulating membrane. An elastic supporting rod, or axostyle, runs through the organism’s entire body. The nucleus is situated in the anterior part of the body.

Trichomonads reach 20 microns in length. They infest the digestive tract and sexual organs of a number of vertebrates. Three species are parasitic in man: T. vaginalis, which causes inflammation, and T. tenax and T. hominis, which inhabit the oral cavity and lumen of the small intestine, respectively; there is some doubt as to the pathogenic role of the latter two species. T. foetus is parasitic in the genital tract of cattle, causing early miscarriage, sterility, and various types of inflammation.




 [trik″o-mo´nas] a genus of flagellate protozoa parasitic in birds and mammals, including humans. T. ho´minis and T. te´nax are nonpathogenic species found in the human mouth and intestines. T. vagina´lis is found in the vagina and male genital tract and is the cause of trichomoniasis.Schematic diagram of Trichomonas vaginalis. From Brunzel, 1994.


(trik'ō-mō'nas, trik'ō-mon'as), Although the correct pronunciation of this word is trichom'onas, the pronunciation shown is more commonly heard in the U.S.A genus of parasitic protozoan flagellates (subfamily Trichomonidinae, family Trichomonadidae) causing trichomoniasis in humans, other primates, and birds. Specificity is more marked for its precise microhabitat than for host species. The genus has been divided into several genera: Trichomonas, Pentatrichomonas, Tetratrichomonas, and Tritrichomonas. [tricho- + G. monas, single (unit)]


(trik'ō-mō'năs) A genus of parasitic protozoan flagellates causing trichomoniasis. [tricho- + G. monas, single (unit)]


(trik?o'mo'nas) [? + monas, unit] Genus of flagellate parasitic protozoa.

Trichomonas hominis

A benign trichomonad found in the large intestine.

Trichomonas tenax

A benign trichomonad that may be present in the mouth.TRICHOMONAS VAGINALIS (arrow) AND BACTERIA IN VAGINAL SMEAR (×1000)

Trichomonas vaginalis

A species found in the vagina that produces discharge. T. vaginalis is fairly common in women, esp. during pregnancy or following vaginal surgery. It is sometimes found in the male urethra and may be transmitted through sexual intercourse. See: illustration; colpitis macularis


T. vaginalis causes persistent burning, redness, and itching of the vulvar tissue associated with a profuse vaginal discharge that may be frothy or malodorous or both. Occasionally, infection with T. vaginalis is asymptomatic.


Metronidazole (Flagyl) is taken orally by the woman and her sexual partner. The drug is contraindicated during the first trimester of pregnancy because of potential damage to the developing fetus; clotrimazole vaginal suppositories provide symptomatic relief during the first 12 weeks of gestation.


Alcohol should not be consumed during metronidazole therapy.


a genus of parasitic protozoan occurring in the digestive and reproductive systems of humans and many other animals.




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