

单词 apr



abbr. annual percentage rate


abbreviation for April


abbreviation for (Banking & Finance) annual percentage rate


annual percentage rate: the annual rate of interest; the total interest to be paid in a year divided by the balance due.


or Apr.,

Noun1.APR - the month following March and preceding MayApr - the month following March and preceding MayAprilGregorian calendar, New Style calendar - the solar calendar now in general use, introduced by Gregory XIII in 1582 to correct an error in the Julian calendar by suppressing 10 days, making Oct 5 be called Oct 15, and providing that only centenary years divisible by 400 should be leap years; it was adopted by Great Britain and the American colonies in 1752All Fools' day, April Fools', April Fools' day - the first day of April which is celebrated by playing practical jokesApril 14, Pan American Day - a day celebrating political and economic unity among American countriesPatriot's Day - the 3rd Monday in April; Massachusetts and Maine celebrate the battle of Lexington and Concord in 1775Gregorian calendar month - a month in the Gregorian calendarmid-April - the middle part of April


written abbreviation April. 四月(書面簡寫) 四月(书面语缩写字)



active-prominence region airborne profile recorder



Abbreviation for abdominoperineal resection.

AP resection

A draconian procedure for adenocarcinoma affecting the distal one-third of the rectum, a site which is too low anatomically to salvage sphincter function. AP resections remove the anus, rectum, part of the sigmoid colon, and regional lymph nodes via incisions in the abdomen and perineum. The remaining sigmoid colon is brought out as a permanent colostomy on the abdominal flank.
LegalSeeAnnual Percentage Rate



See: Annual Percentage Rate

Annual Percentage Rate

The cost of funds or interest rate for an entire year expressed as a single percentage. Significantly, the APR does not account for compounding. For example, if the APR is 36%, the percentage is 3% per month, but the interest rate or cost of funds for the entire year may be greater than 36% due to the effects of compounding. By law, a credit card company or other lender must inform the customer of the APR before any agreement is signed. The APR provides the customer with a convenient number against which to compare the cost of funds for other loans or investments. It is less commonly called the annual rate of return or the nominal annual rate.

Annual percentage rate (APR).

A loan's annual percentage rate, or APR, is what credit costs you each year, expressed as a percentage of the loan amount.

The APR, which is usually higher than the nominal, or named, rate you're quoted for a loan, includes most of a loan's up-front fees as well as the annual interest rate.

You should use APR, which is a more accurate picture of the cost of borrowing than the interest rate alone, to compare various loans you're considering.


the ‘annualized percentage rate of INTEREST’ charged on a LOAN. The APR rate will depend on the total ‘charge for credit’ applied by the lender and will be influenced by such factors as the general level of INTEREST RATES, and the nature and duration of the loan.

Where lenders relate total interest charges on INSTALMENT CREDIT loans to the original amount borrowed, this can give a misleading impression of the interest rate being charged, for as borrowers make monthly or weekly repayments on the loan they are reducing the amount borrowed, and interest charges should be related to the lower average amount owed. For example, if someone borrows £1,000 for one year with a total credit charge of £200 the ‘simple interest’ charge on the original loan is 20%. However, if the loan terms provide for monthly repayments of £100, then at the end of the first month the borrower would have repaid a proportion of the original £1,000 borrowed and by the end of the second month would have repaid a further proportion of the original loan, etc. In effect, therefore, the borrower does not borrow £1,000 for one whole year but much less than this over the year on average as he or she repays parts of the outstanding loan. If the total credit charge of £200 were related to this much smaller average amount borrowed to show the ‘annualized’ percentage rate' then this credit charge would be nearer 40% than the 20% quoted.

To make clear to the borrower the actual charge for credit and the ‘true’ rate of interest the CONSUMER CREDIT ACT 1974 requires lenders to publish both rates to potential borrowers.


the ‘annualized percentage rate of INTEREST’ charged on a LOAN. The APR rate will depend on the total ‘charge for credit’ applied by the lender and will be influenced by such factors as the general level of INTEREST RATES, and the nature and duration of the loan.

Where lenders relate total interest charges on INSTALMENT CREDIT loans to the original amount borrowed, this can give a misleading impression of the interest rate being charged, for as borrowers make monthly or weekly repayments on the loan, they are reducing the amount borrowed, and interest charges should be related to the lower average amount owed. For example, if someone borrows £1,000 for one year with a total credit charge of £200, the ‘simple interest’ charge on the original loan is 20%. However, if the loan terms provide for monthly repayments of £100, then at the end of the first month the borrower would have repaid a proportion of the original £1,000 borrowed and by the end of the second month would have repaid a further proportion of the original loan, etc. In effect, therefore, the borrower does not borrow £1,000 for one whole year but much less than this over the year on average, as he or she repays part of the outstanding loan. If the total credit charge of £200 were related to this much smaller average amount borrowed to show the ‘annualized percentage rate’, then this credit charge would be nearer 40% than the 20% quoted.

To make clear to the borrower the actual charge for credit and the ‘true’ rate of interest, the CONSUMER CREDIT ACT 1974 requires lenders to publish both rates to potential borrowers.


See annual percentage rate.


See Annual Percentage Rate.


APRAnnual Percentage Rate
APRAgency Procurement Request
APRAnnual Performance Report
APRAsia Pacific Region (IEEE)
APRApache Portable Runtime
APRApproach (aviation)
APRAnnual Progress Report
APRAcquisition(s) Procurement Request
APRAccountability Progress Reporting
APRAccreditation in Public Relations
APRAlaska and Polar Regions
APRAlain Pinel Realtors (California)
APRAmerican Poetry Review
APRAdvanced Port Replicator (portable computer dock)
APRacademic progress rate (education)
APRApple Premium Reseller (various locations; Apple Inc.)
APRAbout Public Relations
APRAdvisory Panel on Research
APRAcute Phase Response
APRAir Purifying Respirator(s)
APRAdvanced Pain Relief
APRAfrican Peer Review
APRAbsolute Priority Rule (bankruptcy)
APRAcademic Program Review (various schools)
APRAlpha Pup Records (Los Angeles, CA)
APRAutomated Packet Recognition
APRAnnual Project Report
APRAddress Page Register
APRAccess Point Roaming
APRAdvanced Password Recovery
APRAirport Representative (hotel industry)
APRAll Printing Resources (Glendale Heights, IL)
APRAmerican Politics Research
APRApplied Plant Research (Netherlands)
APRArrêt pour Rechargement (French: Stop for Recharging)
APRAmerican Public Radio
APRAssociation of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers (Arlington, VA)
APRAlternative Press Review
APRAgricultural Preservation Restriction
APRAutomatic Picture Replacement (computer graphics)
APRAcademic Performance Rate
APRAnnual Program Review
APRAnnual Product Review
APRAqueous-Phase Reforming (hydrogen generation)
APRArbeitsgemeinschaft Privater Rundfunk
APRARP Poison Routing (network security)
APRAutumn Performance Report (UK government)
APRAutomatic Power Reduction
APRAdult Plant Resistance
APRAmmonium Perrhenate
APRAutomated Password Reset
APRAtlassian Plugin Repository (software)
APRAbove Prime Rate
APRAutomatic Power Reserve
APRAssign Primary Zone Routing (US DoD)
APRArea of Primary Responsibility
APRArtists' Papers Register (UK)
APRAutomatisms with Preserved Responsiveness
APRAppareil de Protection Respiratoire (French)
APRAudi Performance and Racing
APRAssociation de Prospective Rhénane (French development network)
APRActions Préparatoires au Recrutement (French: Preparatory Action in Recruitment)
APRAlternate Path Retry
APRArbeitsdatei PIOS Rauschgift
APRAll Positive Rap (hip hop group)
APRApolipoprotein Receptor
APRAirborne Profile Recorder
APRAirman Performance Report (USAF)
APRAsia Pacific Rainbow (Coalition of Asia Pacific Regional Networks on HIV/AIDS)
APRAnatomical Programmed Radiography
APRAcoustic Pulse Reflectometry
APRAutomatic Pressure Relief
APRAppian Publications and Recordings (UK)
APRAlarm Processing Remote
APRAdjusted Pitching Runs (arcane baseball statistic)
APRAssociation of Petroleum Re-Refiners
APRAcoustic Paramagnetic Resonance
APRAttending Physician's Report (insurance)
APRAshland Park-Robbins (school)
APRAnalyse et Programmation (French)
APRAnalyse Préliminaire de Risque (French)
APRAdaptive Power Residue
APRActive Position Return
APRAudit and Program Review
APRAccredited, Public Relations Society of America
APRAberdeen Pulsed Reactor Facility
APRAbdominoperitoneal Resection
APRAutomated Product Request
APRApproval and Procurement Record
APRAdaptive Plot Refinement
APRAssembly Planning Review
APRAdvance Production Release
APRAgricultural Plastics Recycle
APRAcoustic Product Request
APRAtelier Publieke Ruimte (Dutch: Public Space Workshop; Belgium)
APRAcquisition Planning Records
APRAsociación del Padre Responsable (Guatemala parental support group)
APRAccident-Potential Recognition
APRArchives du Palais Royal (French: Royal Palace Archives; Belgium)
APRAnalog Program Register
APRAsynchronous Persistent Repetition
APRAntenna Pedestal Reflector
APRAdditional Permissive Re-Export (trade)
APRAmmunition Performance Report
APRAtomic Power Robot (Earthbound game)
APRAvenir Pongiste de Roubaix (French ping-pong group)
APRAudiovisual Production Requirements
APRAutomatic Parts Remover
APRAssociation Poker Redonnais (French poker association)


  • noun

Synonyms for Apr

noun the month following March and preceding May


  • April

Related Words

  • Gregorian calendar
  • New Style calendar
  • All Fools' day
  • April Fools'
  • April Fools' day
  • April 14
  • Pan American Day
  • Patriot's Day
  • Gregorian calendar month
  • mid-April




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