

单词 tes



abbreviation for (Journalism & Publishing) Times Educational Supplement




(also Tesin-Gol, Tes-Khem), a river in the northern Mongolian People’s Republic and the Tuva ASSR. The Tes measures 568 km in length and drains an area of 33,400 sq km. It flows primarily through the northern part of the Great Lakes Depression and empties into Lake Ubsu-Nur, forming a wide, swampy delta overgrown with reeds. The river channel ranges from 40 to 120 m in width. Rains and floods occur in spring, and in winter the river freezes. The mean flow rate in the lower course is 56 cu m per sec. The Tes River valley has tugaic forests and shrub thickets. The river is used as a water supply. Settlements in the valley include Tsetserleg, Baian-Ula, and Tes, all in the Mongolian People’s Republic.



TESThe Elder Scrolls (video game series)
TESThermal Emission Spectrometer
TESThermal Energy Storage
TESTidal Enterprise Scheduler (software)
TESTeaching Every Student
TESTimes Educational Supplement (publication)
TESThermal Energy System (Restoration Drying Technology)
TESThe Exchange Student
TESTertiary Education Strategy (New Zealand)
TESTeacher Education Section (Ireland)
TESThe Eminem Show (album)
TESTotal Element Score (skating)
TESThreatened and Endangered Species
TESTerminal Emulation Service
TESTrusted End System
TESTomahawk Elementary School (Virginia)
TESTransactions Electroniques Sécurisées (French: Secure Electronic Transactions)
TESTropospheric Emission Spectrometer
TESThe Event Source (various locations)
TESTransition-Edge Sensor
TESTechnologies for E-Services (International Workshop)
TESThe Employment Solution (staffing company; Canada)
TESN-Tris(Hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-Amino-Ethanesulfonic Acid
TESThe Eulenspiegel Society (New York, NY)
TESTactical Engagement Simulation
TESTactical Exploitation System (Army)
TESTechnology-Enabled Selling
TESTherapeutic Electrical Stimulation
TESTraffic Engineering Section (various locations)
TESTest for Espionage and Sabotage (polygraph testing)
TESTranscutaneous Electrical Stimulation
TESTanaka Electronics Singapore (various locations)
TESTanzania Environmental Society (Tanzania)
TESTactical Engagement System (Army)
TESTransportable Earth Station
TESTalent Elementary School (Oregon)
TESTubular Exhaust System (Edelbrock)
TESTraveller Education Services (UK)
TESTotal Entertainment System
TESTechnical Enquiry Service (various organizations)
TESTelephony Earth Station
TESTactical Event System
TESTechnical Enforcement Support
TESTokyo Electron Shanghai Ltd. (Japan and China)
TESTailor Engineering Services (Jacksonville, FL)
TESTransfer Evaluation System (for US colleges)
TESTheater Event System
TESTest & Evaluation Squadron
TESTableau d'Entrées-Sorties (French: Input-Output Table; accounting tool)
TESTime Entry System
TESTactical Electronic Sniper (paintball)
TESTotal Elastic Suspension
TESTactical Electronic Surveillance
TESThermoplastic Styrenic Elastomer
TESTelecommunication Equipment Safety
TESToxicologie, Environnement, Santé (French: Toxicology, Environment, Health)
TESTactical Engineering Support
TESTE Systems, Inc.
TESTelephone Emergency Services (support hotlines)
TESToken Exchange System
TESTimonium Elementary School (Timonium, MD)
TESTechnical Enforcement Services
TESTest Execution Software
TESTest & Evaluation Strategy
TESTerminal Earth Station
TESTrans European Banking Services
TESThumb Educational Services (Michigan)
TESTool Envy Syndrome (fictional condition)
TESTraining Evaluation Summary
TESTechnology Development and continuing through System Development and Demonstration into Production and Deployment (an early T&E planning document)
TESTertiary Eocene Strata (geology)
TESTugboat Enthusiasts Society of the Americas (Ipswich, MA)
TESTeacher Educational Supplement (resource; Ireland)
TESTradewinds Engine Services, LLC
TESTransient Electromagnetic Scattering
TESTactical EMIO (Expanded Maritime Interception Operations) System




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