

单词 tail bud
释义 DictionarySeebud

tail boom

tail boom

tail boomA spar, or small-diameter structure, that connects tail surfaces to a pod-type fuselage.

tail bud


 [bud] 1. a structure on a plant, often round, that encloses an undeveloped flower or leaf.2. something resembling the bud of a plant, especially a protuberance in the embryo from which an organ or part develops.end bud the remnant of the embryonic primitive knot, from which arises the caudal part of the trunk.limb bud one of the four lateral swellings appearing in vertebrate embryos, which develop into the two pairs of limbs.tail bud the primordium of the caudal appendage.end bud.taste b's end organs of the gustatory nerve containing the receptor surfaces for the sense of taste.ureteric bud a dorsal outgrowth of the mesonephric duct near its entry into the cloaca; it is the primordium of the ureter, renal pelvis, calices, and collecting tubules of the kidneys.bud of urethra bulb of urethra.

caudal eminence

the rapidly proliferating mass of cells in the form of a taillike prominence found at the caudal extremity of the embryo; remnant of the primitive node. Synonym(s): end bud, tail bud, tailbud

cau·dal em·i·nence

(kaw'dăl em'i-nĕns) The taillike caudal end of the embryo; it does not, however, form a tail in human embryos.
Synonym(s): end bud, tail bud.




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