Roman Ingarden
Ingarden, Roman
Born Feb. 5, 1893, in Kraków; died there June 15, 1970. Polish philosopher, phenomenologist, doctor of philosophy (1918), professor (1933), and member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1957).
Ingarden studied under E. Husserl. He taught at the University of L’vov from 1933 to 1941 and at the Jagiellonian University from 1945. From 1938 to 1948 he was the editor of the journal Studia Philosophica. He developed his own version of phenomenology, differing from Husserl’s idealist phenomenology, and was best known for his work on aesthetics. He wrote many works on problems of aesthetics, epistemology, logic, and the so-called formal ontology, as well as a number of works on various trends in contemporary bourgeois philosophy, including phenomenology, Bergsonism, and neopositivism.
Spór o istnienie świata, 2nd ed., vols. 1–2. Warsaw, 1961–62.Dzieta filozoficzne: Z badań nad filozofiq wspófczesnq. Warsaw, 1963.
Studia z estetyki, vols. 1–2. [Warsaw] 1966.
In Russian translation:
Issledovaniia po estetike. Moscow, 1962.