


(Journal of Novels), a mass-circulation periodical of contemporary literature, for the most part novels and novellas. Conceived by V. I. Lenin, the journal first appeared in July 1927 at the initiative of M. Gorky. It was first published by the Moskovskii Rabochii Publishing House; in 1931 publication was taken over by Goslitizdat (Khudozhest-vennaia Literatura Publishing House). The journal was published monthly until 1957, when semimonthly publication began. Editors have included I. M. Bespalov, M. I. Serebrianskii, V. Kin, and V. G.ll’inkov.

Roman-Gazeta was intended to popularize the better works of modern Soviet and foreign authors, works that had already appeared in Russian. Roman-Gazeta has published Gorky’s The Artamonov Business, M. A. Sholokhov’s And Quiet Flows the Don, A. T. Tvardovskii’s narrative poem Vasilii Terkin, Ch. Aitmatov’s Novellas of the Mountains and Steppes, and Iu. Smuul’s Book of Ice. The novels that have been published include H. Barbusse’s Under Fire, E. M. Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front, and Ju. Fučik’s Word Before the Execution. Circulation, more than 1.5 million (1975).