Veselovskii, Konstantin

Veselovskii, Konstantin Stepanovich


Born May 20, 1819; died Nov. 3, 1901. Russian economist and statistician; academician and permanent secretary of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1857-90). In the 1840’s, Veselovskii headed a group of economists who put forth a plan of bourgeois reforms. He criticized serfdom and attributed the instability and declining income of the landowners’ estates to the system of forced labor. After 1848, Veselovskii refrained from open criticism of serfdom. His chief works were devoted to problems of political economy and statistics.


“Nachalo i postepennoe preobrazovanie pozemel’nykh nalogov v Rossii.” Zhurnal Ministerstva gosudarstvennykh imushchestv. St. Petersburg, 1841. Part 1, pp. 147-79.
“O tsenakh na khleb v Rossii.” Zhurnal Ministerstva gosudar-stvennykh imushchestv. St. Petersburg, 1845. Part 15, pp. 66-78.
Pochvennaia karta Evropeiskoi Rossii. St. Petersburg, 1855.
Khoziaistvenno-statisticheskii atlas Evropeiskoi Rossii. St. Petersburg, 1857.
O klimate Rossii. St. Petersburg, 1857 and other years.
(A detailed list of Veselovskii’s works may be found in Izv. imp. AN, 1901, vol. 15, no. 5.)