Veselago, Feodosii

Veselago, Feodosii Fedorovich


Born Mar. 27 (Apr. 8), 1817; died Oct. 17 (29), 1895, in St. Petersburg. Russian naval historian. General (1892). Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1884); honorary member of the Naval Academy (1877). Born into a family of naval officers.

Veselago graduated from the Naval School (1834) and officers classes (1837) and then taught in the Naval School. From 1853 to 1869 he was employed in civilian educational institutions and establishments. In 1869 he was appointed a member of the Committee of Naval Educational Institutions, and after the death of S. I. Elagin, he continued the work begun by him on a compilation of the history of the Russian Navy. In 1881 he headed the hydrographical department of the Ministry of the Navy and the scientific section of the Naval Technical Committee. From 1885 he was member of the Admiralty Council and from 1892, honorary member of the Naval Technical Committee.

Veselago put into scholarly language a great deal of factual material on the development of naval affairs in Russia, confirming the idea about the independent path of the development of Russian naval art. Veselago also reevaluated the role of the individual personalities in the creation and development of the Russian Navy.


Ocherk istorii Morskogo Kadetskogo Korpusa. … St. Petersburg, 1852.
Kratkie svedeniia o russkikh morskikh srazheniiakh za dva stoletiia s 1656-po 1856. St. Petersburg, 1871.
Materialy dlia istorii russkogo flota, parts 5-15. St. Petersburg, 1875-95.
Ocherk russkoi morskoi istorii, part 1. St. Petersburg, 1875.
Kratkaia istoriia russkogo flota, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1939.


Mazunin, N. “Vydaiushchiisia istoriograf russkogo flota.” Voenno-istoricheskii zhurnal, 1967, no. 3.