Vienna Arbitrations 1938 and 1940

Vienna Arbitrations (1938 and 1940)


the name given to the two agreements signed in Vienna by the fascist governments of Germany and Italy on the cession to Horthy’s Hungary of considerable areas of the territories of Czechoslovakia and Rumania. As a result of the first of these arbitrations (Nov. 2, 1938), Germany and Italy compelled Czechoslovakia, whose dismemberment had begun with the Munich Pact of 1938, to cede to Hungary the southern areas of Slovakia and of Transcarpathian Ukraine, which had a total area of 11,927 sq km and a population of more than 1 million. As a result of the second Vienna Arbitration (Aug. 30, 1940), northern Transylvania, with an area of 43,492 sq km and a population of 2.4 million was ceded by Rumania to Hungary. The deterioration in Hungarian-Rumanian relations resulting from the second Vienna Arbitration was utilized by Germany to bring about the full submission of the two countries.

The Vienna Arbitrations were annulled in the Paris peace treaties of 1947.