
pout 1

P0489300 (pout)v. pout·ed, pout·ing, pouts v.intr.1. To exhibit displeasure or disappointment; sulk.2. To protrude the lips in an expression of displeasure or sulkiness.3. To project or protrude: The child's lips pouted.v.tr.1. To push out or protrude (the lips).2. To utter or express with a pout.n.1. A protrusion of the lips, especially as an expression of sullen discontent.2. often pouts A fit of petulant sulkiness: sat around in the house in a pout; had the pouts.
[Middle English pouten, perhaps of Scandinavian origin.]
pout′i·ly adv.pout′y adj.

pout 2

P0489300 (pout)n. pl. pout or pouts Any of various freshwater or marine fishes having a large head, especially an eelpout or a bullhead.
[Middle English *poute, from Old English -pūte (as in ǣlepūte, eelpout).]


(ˈpaʊ ti)

adj. pout•i•er, pout•i•est. inclined to pout; sulky.