Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome


 [lep″to-trĭ-ko´sis] infection with a species of Leptotrichia.leptotrichosis conjuncti´vae name given to parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome" >parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome when caused by infection with Leptotrichia.

Pa·ri·naud oc·u·lo·glan·du·lar syn·drome

(pah-ri-nō'), unilateral conjunctival granuloma with preauricular adenopathy in tularemia, chancre, tuberculosis, and cat-scratch disease.

Pa·ri·naud oc·u·lo·glan·du·lar syn·drome

(pah-ri-nō' ok'yū-lō-glan'dyū-lăr sin'drōm) Unilateral conjunctival granuloma with preauricular adenopathy in tularemia, chancre, tuberculosis, and cat-scratch disease.


Henri, French ophthalmologist, 1844-1905. Parinaud conjunctivitis - a chronic necrotic inflammation of the conjunctiva characterized by large, irregular, reddish follicles and regional lymphadenopathy.Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome - unilateral conjunctival granuloma with preauricular adenopathy in tularemia, chancre, and tuberculosis.Parinaud ophthalmoplegia - Synonym(s): Parinaud syndromeParinaud syndrome - paralysis of conjugate upward gaze with a lesion at the level of the superior colliculi. Synonym(s): Parinaud ophthalmoplegiaParinaud I syndrome - retraction nystagmus; systemic hypertension; Babinski sign; extraocular palsy; pupils usually normal in size but have poor reaction to light and near vision. Synonym(s): divergence paralysis; Koerber-Salus-Elsching syndrome