parietal hernia

pa·ri·e·tal her·ni·a

a hernia in which only a portion of the wall of the intestine is engaged. Synonym(s): Littré hernia (1) , partial enterocele, Richter hernia

pa·ri·e·tal her·ni·a

(pă-rī'ĕ-tăl hĕr'nē-ă) A hernia in which only a portion of the wall of the intestine is engaged.
Synonym(s): Littré hernia (1) , Richter hernia.


Alexis, French anatomist, 1658-1726. Littré glands - numerous mucous glands in the wall of the penile urethra. Synonym(s): glands of the male urethraLittré hernia - a hernia in which only a portion of the wall of the intestine is engaged. Synonym(s): parietal hernia


August G., German surgeon, 1742-1812. Monro-Richter line - see under Monro, Alexander, JrRichter forcepsRichter hernia - a hernia in which only a portion of the wall of the intestine is engaged. Synonym(s): parietal herniaRichter operationRichter retractorRichter scissorsRichter-Monro line - Synonym(s): Monro-Richter line