Romana sign

Ro·ma·ña sign

(rō-mahn'yă), marked edema of one or both eyelids, usually a unilateral palpebral edema, thought to be a sensitization response to the bite of a triatomine bug infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, and a strong suggestion of acute Chagas disease.

Ro·ma·ña sign

(rō-mahn'yă sīn) Marked edema of one or both eyelids, usually a unilateral palpebral edema, thought to be a sensitization response to the bite of a triatomine bug infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, and a strong suggestion of acute Chagas disease.

Romana sign

, Romaña sign [rō-mon′ă, -mon′yă] [Cecilio Romaña, Argentinian physician, b. 1899] Unilateral swelling of the eyelid and periorbital tissues in a patient who has been bitten by Reduvius personatus.


Cecilio, Argentinian physician in Brazil, 1899–. Romaña sign - marked edema of one or both eyelids, thought to be a sensitization response to the bite of a triatomine bug infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, and a strong suggestion of acute Charges disease.