Tahquamenon Falls State Park

Tahquamenon Falls State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Michigan
Location:In Chippewa County, on M-123, which can be reached via Mackinac Bridge(north from the bridge to Exit 352), Marquette (east on M-28), orEscanaba (US 2 east to M-117, then north to M-28 and east 3 miles toM-123).
Facilities:260 modern campsites (é), 36 semi-modern/rustic campsites, groupcamping area, picnic areas (é), shelter (é), playgrounds (é),boat launch (é), canoe/kayak rentals (seasonal), concession/store (é), hikingtrails (é), snowmobile area.
Activities:Camping, canoeing, fishing, hiking, hunting, cross-country skiing,snowmobiling, wildlife observation (é), interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park stretches over 13 miles, most of which is undeveloped woodlandwith no roads, buildings, or power lines. The park's centerpiece, andthe reason it exists, is the Tahquamenon River and its waterfalls. TheUpper Falls, one of the largest waterfalls east of the Mississippi, hasa drop of nearly 50 feet and is more than 200 feet across. Four milesdownstream is the Lower Falls, a series of 5 smaller falls that cascadearound an island.
Address:41382 W M-123
Paradise, MI 49768

Web: www.michigandnr.com/parksandtrails/ParksandTrailsInfo.aspx?id=428
Size: 46,179 acres.

See other parks in Michigan.