one of the most important of the aboriginal Polynesian peoples of Oceania. The Tahitians number 68,000 (1971, estimate). Most, about 65,000, live in French Polynesia, mainly on Tahiti and other islands of the Society group. The Tahitians speak a Polynesian language. The majority are Christians, mainly Calvinists but some Roman Catholics. The chief occupation of the Tahitians is the growing of coconut, sugarcane, and other crops; fishing and other economic activities are of lesser importance. The Tahitians have largely retained their original culture.
Puchkov, P. I. Naselenie Okeanii: Etnogeograficheskii obzor. Moscow, 1967.Ravva, N. P. Polineziia: Ocherk istorii frantsuzskikh kolonii (konets XVIII-XIX v.). Moscow, 1972.