Acronym | Definition |
SLO➣San Luis Obispo (California) |
SLO➣Slovenia (ISO Country Identifier) |
SLO➣Senior Loan Officer |
SLO➣Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (eye examination tool) |
SLO➣Student Learning Outcome |
SLO➣Stichting Leerplanontwikkeling (Netherlands) |
SLO➣Secondary Lymphoid Organ (biology) |
SLO➣Single Logout |
SLO➣Student License Option |
SLO➣Service Level Objective |
SLO➣Site License Option |
SLO➣Sharable Learning Object |
SLO➣Slovak/Slovenian (language) |
SLO➣Symmetrical Lupoid Onychodystrophy (canine disease) |
SLO➣Software License Optimization (application management) |
SLO➣School Liaison Officer |
SLO➣Service Level Objectives (information technology services) |
SLO➣Spanish Language Outreach (program) |
SLO➣Service Learning Office (various schools) |
SLO➣System Landscape Optimization (SAP AG) |
SLO➣Salem, Illinois (Airport Code) |
SLO➣State Library of Ohio (Columbus, OH) |
SLO➣Salon du Livre de l'Outaouais (French: Outaouais Book Fair; Canada) |
SLO➣Space Liaison Officer (US DoD) |
SLO➣Student Life Organization (Frankfurt, Germany) |
SLO➣Student Liaison Officer (various universities; UK) |
SLO➣Singapore Lyric Opera (Singapore; est. 1990) |
SLO➣Special Liquor Order (Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board) |
SLO➣Subordinated Liabilities Order (Ireland) |
SLO➣Senior Liaison Officer |
SLO➣Systemic Lupoid Onychodystrophy (disease) |
SLO➣Slow Above |
SLO➣Société Limousine d'Odonatologie (French: Limousin Society of Odanatology) |
SLO➣Strictly Localized Orbital |
SLO➣Scholarships Liaison Officer |
SLO➣Suspension Lockout System |
SLO➣Société Luxembourgeoise d'Oncologie (French: Luxembourg Society of Oncology) |
SLO➣Significant Learning Opportunity (euphemism) |
SLO➣Shared Learning Outcomes |
SLO➣Submarine Liaison Officer |
SLO➣Subject Line Only (e-mail) |
SLO➣Single Line Only |