Acronym | Definition |
SLMI➣Stan Lee Media Inc. |
SLMI➣Sumitomo Light Metal Industries (Japan) |
SLMI➣Skills and Labour Market Information (UK) |
SLMI➣Scottish Labour Market Intelligence (software) |
SLMI➣Skills and Labour Market Intelligence |
SLMI➣Southwest Louisiana Marine Institute |
SLMI➣Society of Ladies of Mary Immaculate |
SLMI➣Subscriber Line Module, Internet |
SLMI➣State Land Management Institute (Lithuania) |
SLMI➣Spanish Language Media Initiative (University of Illinois) |
SLMI➣Sri Lanka Military Intelligence |
SLMI➣Senior Librarian Management Information |
SLMI➣Steel Legion Mechanised Infantry (Dropship game) |
SLMI➣Sustainable Land Management Institute (Afghanistan) |