Taghri-Birdi, Ibn

Taghri-Birdi, Ibn


(full name, ibn Taghri-Birdi Abu alMahasin Jamal al-Din Yusuf). Born 1409 or 1410; died June 5, 1470. Arab historian and literary figure.

Ibn Taghri-Birdi was the son of an influential Egyptian imamluk; he studied with the outstanding scholars of his time, including al-Maqrizi. The most significant of his surviving works is a chronicle covering Egyptian history from the Arab conquest (seventh century) to 1469; it contains valuable information on society and economics. He is also the author of a short biography of Muhammad, a collection of verse, and an anthology of Arab poetry.


Al-Nujum al-zahira fi muluk Misr w-al-Qahira (The Brilliant Stars Regarding the Kings of Egypt and Cairo), vols. 1–12. Cairo, 1929–56.


Krachkovskii, I. lu. Izbr. soch., vol. 2. Moscow-Leningrad, 1956. (See index.)