释义 |
paraurethral ducts par·a·u·re·thral ducts [TA] inconstant ducts along the side of the female urethra that convey the mucoid secretion of urethral glands to the vestibule. Synonym(s): ductus paraurethrales [TA], Schüller ducts, Skene ductspar·a·u·re·thral ducts (par'ă-yū-rē'thrăl dŭkts) [TA] Inconstant ducts along the side of the female urethra that convey the mucoid secretion of the female urethral glands to the vestibule. Schüller, Karl H.L.A. Max, German surgeon, 1843-1907. Schüller ducts - inconstant ducts along the side of the female urethra that convey the mucoid secretion of Skene glands to the vestibule. Synonym(s): paraurethral ducts
Skene, Alexander J.C., U.S. gynecologist, 1838-1900. ducts of Skene glands - inconstant ducts along the side of the female urethra that convey the mucoid secretion of Skene glands to the vestibule. Synonym(s): paraurethral ductsSkene glands - numerous mucous glands in the wall of the female urethra. Synonym(s): glands of the female urethraSkene tubules - the embryonic urethral glands that are the female homologue of the prostate. |