

单词 thrombocytosis




[‚thräm·bō‚sī′tō·səs] (medicine) A condition characterized by an increase in the absolute number of thrombocytes in the circulation. Also known as piastrenemia; thrombocythemia.



an increase in the number of platelets to more than 400,000 per mm3 in the peripheral blood. It may result from the increased production of platelets in the bone marrow, as in erythremia; from slow lysis of platelets, for example, after surgical removal of the spleen; or from the redistribution of platelets in the bloodstream during physical or mental stress. Thrombocytosis may lead to thrombosis, and occasionally to an increased tendency to bleed owing to disturbance of the microcirculation or to defects in the platelets themselves (thrombocytolytic purpura). Therapy involves treatment of the underlying disease, as well as the prevention of thrombosis.






Thrombocytosis is a blood disorder in which the body produces a surplus of platelets (thrombocytes).


Thrombocytosis is an abnormally increased number of platelets in the blood. Platelets are blood cells that stick together, helping blood to clot. Thrombocytosis is a condition that may have many causes.Throbocytosis is classified as one of two types. Secondary thrombocytosis can be traced to another cause, such as inflammation, severe bleeding, iron deficiency, or some cancers. Primary thrombocytosis (or essential thrombocythemia) is a single disease entity, with unique clinical characteristics.

Causes and symptoms

The cause of essential thrombocytosis is unknown.Secondary thrombocytosis may develop as a result of:
  • acute hemorrhage or infection
  • anemia
  • arthritis and other chronic inflammations
  • cancer
  • exercise
  • iron deficiency
  • medication
  • csteoporosis
  • removal of the spleen (splenectomy)
  • polycythemia vera (a disorder affecting other red blood cells, as well as platelets)
  • stress
  • surgery


Two of every three patients who have thrombocytosis do not have any symptoms of the disease at the time of diagnosis. Younger patients may remain symptom-free for years.Enlargement of the spleen is detected in 60% of patients with thrombocytosis. The liver may also be enlarged. As many as half of all patients experience bleeding from the skin, gums, or nose; and 20-50% have some blockage of veins or arteries.Other symptoms of thrombocytosis include:
  • bloody stools
  • bruising
  • dizziness
  • headache
  • hemorrhage
  • prolonged bleeding after having surgery or after having a tooth pulled
  • redness or tingling of the hands and feet
  • weakness. In rare instances, the lymph nodes become enlarged
The highest platelet counts usually produce the most severe symptoms. Younger patients (especially women) may not have symptoms, even though their platelet counts are very high.


Complications of thrombocytosis include stroke, heart attack, and formation of blood clots in the arms and legs.A doctor should be notified whenever bleeding is unexplained or prolonged or the patient develops:
  • chest or leg pain
  • confusion
  • numbness
  • weakness


The patient's symptoms suggest the presence of thrombocytosis. Blood tests confirm the diagnosis.Bone marrow aspiration (removal of a tissue sample for microscopic examination) may also be performed.


The key to treating secondary thrombocytosis is treating the underlying condition.Any patient who has thrombocytosis should be encouraged not to smoke.In young people who have no symptoms, this condition can remain stable for many years. These patients should be monitored by a physician, but may not require treatment.Treatment for patients who do have symptoms focuses on controlling bleeding, preventing the formation of blood clots, and lowering platelet levels. Treatment for secondary thrombocytosis involves treating the condition or disease responsible for excess platelet production.In 1997, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of anagrelide HCl (Agrylin) to reduce elevated platelet counts and decrease the risk of clot formation. Some patients have benefited from the use of hydroxyurea, an anti-cancer drug.Low doses of aspirin may prevent clotting, but can cause serious hemorrhages.If drug therapy does not bring platelet counts down to an acceptable level as rapidly as necessary, plateletpheresis may be performed. Usually combined with drug therapy and used primarily in medical emergencies, this procedure consists of:
  • withdrawing blood from the patient's body
  • removing platelets from the blood
  • returning the platelet-depleted blood to the patient


Many patients with thrombocytosis remain free of complications for long periods. However, some patients may die as a result of blood clots or uncontrolled bleeding.


There is no known way to prevent thrombocytosis.



"Primary Thrombocythemia." The Merck Page. June 3, 1998. http://www.merck.com.


 [throm″bo-si-to´sis] an increase in the number of circulating platelets" >platelets; it may be essential or primary (see thrombocythemia" >essential thrombocythemia) or secondary to a disease process such as an infection, inflammation, neoplasm, or rheumatoid process. Called also thrombocythemia.


(throm'bō-sī-tō'sis), An increase in the number of platelets in the circulating blood. Synonym(s): thrombocythemia [thrombocyte + G. -osis, condition]


An excess of platelets. See Absolute thrombocytosis, Extreme thrombocytosis, Reactive thrombocytosis.


(throm'bō-sī-tō'sis) An increase in the number of platelets in the circulating blood.
Synonym(s): thrombocythemia.
[thrombocyte + G. -osis, condition]


An increase above normal in the number of PLATELETS (thrombocytes) in the circulating blood. The normal upper limit is about 450,000 per cubic millimetre. Thrombocytosis may be a reactive process or it may be the result of a clonal increase in the number of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow. The production of platelets from megakaryocytes requires the binding of thrombopoietin to these cells. Other (disease) processes can result in increased production of thrombopoietin. In clonal thrombocytosis, impaired binding of thrombopoietin results in an increase in free thrombopoietin and increased platelet production.


, thrombocythemia (throm'bō-sī-tō'sis, -sī-thēmē-ă) An increase in the number of platelets in the circulating blood.
Synonym(s): thrombocythaemia.
[thrombocyte + G. -osis, condition]


Related to thrombocytosis: reactive thrombocytosis, Essential thrombocytosis
  • noun

Words related to thrombocytosis

noun increase in the number of platelets in the blood which tends to cause clots to form

Related Words

  • symptom




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