Acronym | Definition |
POTM➣Player of the Month |
POTM➣Picture of the Month |
POTM➣People on the Move |
POTM➣Player of the Match |
POTM➣Priestess of the Moon (video game character) |
POTM➣Project of the Month |
POTM➣Pet of the Month (Webkinz) |
POTM➣Picture of the Moment |
POTM➣Playmate of the Month (Playboy) |
POTM➣Put On The Market |
POTM➣Phase Of The Moon |
POTM➣Post of the Month |
POTM➣Programmer Of The Month |
POTM➣Pulse of the Maggots (Slipknot song) |
POTM➣Power of the Mind |
POTM➣Pride of the Mountains (Western Carolina University marching band; Cullowhee, NC) |