

单词 parasitic plant

parasitic plant

Noun1.parasitic plant - plant living on another plant and obtaining organic nutriment from itparasitic plant - plant living on another plant and obtaining organic nutriment from itparasite - an animal or plant that lives in or on a host (another animal or plant); it obtains nourishment from the host without benefiting or killing the hostParasitaxus ustus, parasite yew - rare and endangered monoecious parasitic conifer of New Caledonia; parasitic on Falcatifolium taxoidesbuckleya, Buckleya distichophylla - parasitic shrub of the eastern United States having opposite leaves and insignificant greenish flowers followed by oily dull green olivelike fruitsbastard toadflax, Comandra pallida - woody creeping parasite of western North America having numerous thick powdery leaves and panicles of small dull-white flowersPyrularia pubera, rabbitwood, buffalo nut - shrub of southeastern United States parasitic on roots of hemlocks having sparse spikes of greenish flowers and pulpy drupesfamily Loranthaceae, Loranthaceae, mistletoe family - in some classification includes Viscaceae: parasitic or hemiparasitic shrublets or shrubs or small trees of tropical and temperate regions; attach to hosts by haustoriaLoranthus europaeus, mistletoe - shrub of central and southeastern Europe; partially parasitic on beeches, chestnuts and oaksArceuthobium pusillum, American mistletoe - small herb with scalelike leaves on reddish-brown stems and berrylike fruits; parasitic on spruce and larch treesfire tree, flame tree, Nuytsia floribunda, Christmas tree - a terrestrial evergreen shrub or small tree of western Australia having brilliant yellow-orange flowers; parasitic on roots of grassesOld World mistletoe, Viscum album, mistletoe - Old World parasitic shrub having branching greenish stems with leathery leaves and waxy white glutinous berries; the traditional mistletoe of Christmasfalse mistletoe, mistletoe - American plants closely resembling Old World mistletoehemiparasite, semiparasite - a parasitic plant that contains some chlorophyll and therefore is capable of photosynthesis

Parasitic Plant

Plant, Parasitic


a plant that completely or partially lives off the nutrients of other living organisms. Parasitic plants exist among both lower and higher plants, including flowering plants. Fungi, algae, and bacteria parasitize plants, animals, and man and are frequently the causative agents of infectious diseases. Parasitic flowering plants mostly infest and harm higher plants, including such cultivated ones as the sunflower, tomato, sorghum, and tobacco.

Facultative parasitic plants can exist by parasitism and other modes of feeding (for example, photoautotrophic). Obligate parasitic plants also use other sources of nutrition at times. Hemiparasitic plants are at the same time parasitic and photo-trophic organisms; for example, common toothwort is both a parasite and a carnivore.

Ectoparasitic plants penetrate the tissues of the host by means of haustoria, which extract nutrients. Such parasites include perisporaceous fungi (the causative agents of powdery mildew) and such flowering plants as broomrape and dodder. Endoparasitic plants, which include the Rafflesiaceae, develop completely or largely in the tissues of the host plant and emerge onto the surface of the host only to reproduce.

The evolution of plant parasites proceeded from accidental parasitism to facultative forms and, then, to obligate forms. It was accompanied by the disappearance of the capacity for photoautotrophic or saprophytic nutrition and by the acquisition of mechanisms for parasitic nutrition. The structures used for autotrophic nutrition gradually disappeared or were transformed into organs of parasitic nutrition. For example, the root tips of some flowering plants were transformed into haustoria. The developmental cycle of some parasitic plants changed as a result of parasitism. Highly developed parasitic flowering plants are characterized by metamorphic development, that is, the transformation of their organization in the process of ontogeny.

Complex forms of parasitism evolved in some plant groups. For example, flowering plants with endotrophic mycorrhiza are characterized by mutual parasitism of a flowering plant and a fungus (such as Orchidaceae and Pyrolaceae). There also are cases of epiparasitism, or hyperparasitism, in which a mycotrophic flowering plant obtains nutrients from a coniferous plant through a mycorrhizal fungus common to both (for example, yellow bird’s nest).


parasitic plant

Related to parasitic plant: Insectivorous plant
  • noun

Words related to parasitic plant

noun plant living on another plant and obtaining organic nutriment from it

Related Words

  • parasite
  • Parasitaxus ustus
  • parasite yew
  • buckleya
  • Buckleya distichophylla
  • bastard toadflax
  • Comandra pallida
  • Pyrularia pubera
  • rabbitwood
  • buffalo nut
  • family Loranthaceae
  • Loranthaceae
  • mistletoe family
  • Loranthus europaeus
  • mistletoe
  • Arceuthobium pusillum
  • American mistletoe
  • fire tree
  • flame tree
  • Nuytsia floribunda
  • Christmas tree
  • Old World mistletoe
  • Viscum album
  • false mistletoe
  • hemiparasite
  • semiparasite




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